Beauty + Health

Look Young and Fresh: Home Remedies for Aging Skin

Delaying aging is achievable right at home!

By: Daphne Benosa | February 02, 2020
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anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

Aging skin is probably one of the biggest concerns of women today. Fortunately, while we cannot permanently stop it, we certainly can delay it.

Many of us spend so much time and money looking for the most effective skin care and anti-aging remedies, without realizing we already have the solution right in our backyards, and sometimes in the kitchen.

Below are some of the most popular home remedies in addition to your skin care routine to keep your youth.

For Wrinkles – Aloe Vera

anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

For centuries, Aloe Vera has been used by many women as part of their beauty regimen. It has moisturizing properties that help improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. Aloe vera is also scientifically proven to minimize scars. Just use a quarter to one teaspoonful of aloe gel every day and you will see significant results. That means having one small aloe vera plant in your backyard will have you set for months to come.

For Cellulite – Ginger

anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

As we age, our body loses collagen and elastin, two properties responsible for our firm and youthful looks. We may not be able to prevent it from happening, but we can slow down the process. Ginger contains high antioxidant levels that slow the breakdown of elastin. Just add a pinch of grated ginger to one tablespoon of honey. You can eat this mixture straight up or use it to make ginger tea. To make tea, just add warm water with optional cayenne pepper or lemon to kickstart your day.

For Age Spots – Lemon Juice

anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

Age spots are freckle-like skin discolorations caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. That is why many skin care experts always advise us to wear moisturizers and lotions with SPF. UV rays, as well as tanning beds, can accelerate the production of melanin, causing age spots to appear. To get rid of age spots, you can use Lemon Juice. A regular component of bleaching creams, lemon juice contains citric acid and antioxidants which help lighten spots. Apply it on the affected area twice a day for best results.

For Sunken Eyes and Dark Circles – Chamomile Tea

anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

All those late nights working can take a toll on our face, particularly the eyes. Eye serums are one of the most expensive beauty products in the market—and you don’t want to spend so much money on something you’re not sure will work. Aside from cucumber, chamomile tea is another popular home remedy for dark under-eyes. It has anti-inflammatory and natural cleansing properties that help lighten under eye circles and reduce puffiness in the eye area. Just place two bags of chamomile tea in boiling water, then let them cool. Afterwards, place them under your eyes for five minutes.

For Dry and Itchy Skin – Olive Oil/Coconut Oil

anti-aging home remedies aloe vera

Olive oil is known for its amazing health and healing benefits. So it comes as no surprise that it is considered as a reliable skin care companion by many. Olive oil is loaded with nutrients such as antioxidants, squalene, chlorophyll, vitamin E, vitamin K, phenols, and oleocanthal that help soothe itchy, irritated skin and provide the moisture it needs. Before taking a shower, apply a thin layer of extra-virgin olive oil onto your skin, particularly the dry areas. If you do not have olive oil at home, you can use coconut oil as substitute. Coconut oil also contains a good amount of fatty acids that help lock in moisture.

Looking young and fresh need not break your budget. Nature has provided us a lot of options to choose from; we only need to know which ones to use and how to properly use them.

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About Daphne Benosa
Daphne is a professional copyeditor and lifestyle blogger based in Quezon City. She loves testing different skincare products and sharing beauty tips to readers and friends. She also writes product reviews for both local and international brands. To learn more about what she does, visit her website:
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