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Makeup Expiration Dates: When to Throw Out Your Cosmetics

Read up and check your makeup kit for expired beauty products.

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | June 08, 2020
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makeup expiration dates

Been using the same makeup for 6 years? It’s time to buy a new one.

As hard as it may seem, there has to be a time to say goodbye to a beloved makeup product. Because bacteria can easily build up in some types of makeup, it is necessary to toss them out when they’re past their prime. Doing so can avoid skin related irritations such as acne and rashes.

However, not every woman is aware that beauty products expire. According to a study by, there are some women who continue to use their cosmetics for up to six years after it has expired. Although it might be hard to throw out expired makeup products, it is important to do so because aside from skin infections, using expired makeup products can lead to other health problems such as serious eye infections.

One of the things to consider in tossing out a product even before its expiration is the condition of the product itself. If there’s an early sign of defect such as a change in the consistency or smell, it might be time to throw it away.

It also important to note that makeup products have different life spans. However, unlike other items such as food that have clear dates of expiry, most makeup items do not contain expiration dates. Rather, a makeup product’s shelf life depends on when it has been opened.

Several makeup products include a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol which shows a canister logo with a written time period such as ‘6m’ which means six months. However, in some cases when there’s no PAO symbol, it’s best to keep in mind the average lifespan of makeup products. Here are some beauty tips on when to throw your beauty products away:

Liquid and cream foundations have an average shelf life of six months to one year. To avoid foundations from developing bacteria faster and earlier, refrain from touching the bottle’s neck. A red flag to keep an eye on is when the foundation starts to separate.

Powdered foundation lasts a bit longer than liquid and cream ones because the dry texture of powder lessens the possibility of bacterial growth. Powdered foundation lasts for 18 months; the same goes for other powdered items such as blushes and powders. In order to lessen the risk of bacteria, it is advisable to clean makeup tools such as brushes regularly.

Cream eyeshadows, on the other hand, last about six months only. Things to watch out for in the product are wax build-ups and changes in color and smell. Powdered eyeshadows may last about two years but the applicator should be cleaned or replaced often.

Mascaras should be tossed out after three months. Replacing mascara on a regular basis is important to prevent eye infections. If the formula starts to smell different or if the product gets clumpy, it’s time to throw it out. Sharing mascaras is also a huge don’t. In addition, avoid pumping mascaras often, as it can dry out the formula faster due to the air being forced into the product.

Pencil-type items such as brow pencils, eyeliners, and lip liners are usable for one to two years since these items are often sharpened. However, these items should not be stored in humid and steamy areas.

Liquid eyeliners can be used for four to six months only since it’s a bacteria-prone item. Red flags to check are changes in color, texture, and smell.

Lip balms have about a one-year shelf life, while lipsticks can reach up to two years. To prolong the quality, never leave these products without their lids and keep them in a cool, dry area. If the item gets too goopy or dry, it’s time to throw it out.

Lip gloss, on the other hand, can be used for about a year. Like mascara, lip gloss should not be pumped often as it can dry out fast. Things to watch out for are discolorations and changes in thickness and texture.

Concealers should be good for two years. If it starts to cake, get lumpy, or smell funny, then it means that it’s time to get a new one. Continuing to use expired concealers can lead to severe breakouts.

Nail polish can be used for one to two years. A change in texture, thickness, and color should serve as a warning that it’s time for a new one.

Perfume lasts the longest among beauty products. When stored in a dry and dark place, perfumes can last 8 to 10 years. To prolong its quality, keep the bottle out of direct sunlight and keep the lid secure when not in use.

Miscellaneous cosmetic related items such as micellar water, cleansers, toners, and moisturizers can last for six months to one year.

These makeup expiration timelines are just guides; the condition and quality of the beauty products might vary depending on how they are used.

Want to read more about beauty tips and skincare?
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Note: This article was originally published in Yoorekka on February 3, 2018.

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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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