Yoorekka FAQ

Our most frequently asked questions about Yoorekka Philippines that are available to support you.
Who is Yoorekka?

Yoorekka is a web directory and Consumer Magazine in the Philippines to help shoppers, travelers, and diners make their shopping, spending, and lifestyle activities better and more fulfilling experiences.

What type of content does Yoorekka publish?

Yoorekka publishes articles and information on travel destinations, food spots, lifestyle places, and shopping finds all around the Philippines. Find it in 3 sections - Magazine, Local Favorites, and Visitors' Guide.

How to get daily updates with Yoorekka?

To get daily updates, click the Subscribe button and follow us on our social media accounts - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter.

How to register my store in Yoorekka's directory?

To register your store, click this link and fill out the needed information. https://yoorekka.com/register-my-store

Can I advertise my store in Yoorekka?

Yes, definitely! Click 'Contact Us' to know more!

How to contact Yoorekka?

Contact us at +63 917 3147292/content@yoorekka.com for Editorial.

What services does Yoorekka offer?
  • Guest post and brand content service.
What types of content Yoorekka accepted?
  • We accept how-to (tips, practical advice, actionable tips, and helpful know-how), listicles, press releases, features, and advertorial posts.
  • Topics and content will be pre-approved.
  • Content should be unique and original. Yoorekka will not accept material published elsewhere, whether it is the Author’s material or somebody else’s work.
  • Topics should be relevant to the website’s niche, such as restaurants, fashion and apparel, beauty and health, dining, travel spots, hotels and resorts, housing and condos, events and entertainment, casinos, and autos.
How to submit an article?
What are the submission guidelines of Yoorekka?
  • Accepted Formats
  • One encoded file of the article in Microsoft Word.
    • Photos, i.e., where you suggest that the images be inserted.
    • Captions below each photo.
    • Image sources below each photo ( Main website and photo URL).
    • List of sources/references used at the end of the article and photo. Indicate specific URLs of website references.
    • Photos in Jpeg format (Signed Photo Permission Forms where applicable).
    • All submissions must be sent to content@yoorekka.com.
  • By-line (optional) – Submit a by-line describing the Author behind the content; it should be exciting and non-promotional. Social media profiles and websites can be included.
    • Mention credentials and achievements, if any, to build a strong reputation and credibility.
    • Keep short and exciting with a maximum word count of 70.
    • Write in the third person.
    • Author’s photo: 300 px x 300 px.
  • Editing Information – submitted content is subject to editing and will be returned to the Author for a one-time revision, if needed. We will inform the Author of any significant changes before publication.
How to get featured in Yoorekka?
  • Visit the Brand Featured landing page and fill out the client in-take form for branded content featured services.
What are the post Guidelines?
  • Post length –1,500 max, including the headline, teaser, and body.
  • Image requirement
    • Submit one (1) cover photo and one (1) photo per heading, if applicable.
    • Before accepting a guest post from a client, we also consider the images to be used on the content in terms of type, format, or size. We encourage you to choose landscape photos that are more wide than tall. The ratio should be 3:1 (width: height).
How to subscribe to Yoorekka Newsletter? (please see above)
  • Sign up using your email to Yoorekka Newsletter and receive a monthly lifestyle guide and entertainment update straight to you.

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