Beauty + Health

Basic Fitness Tips for Men New to Bodybuilding

Want to jump into a healthy lifestyle? Get basic workout tips here!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | August 07, 2018
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natural bodybuilding tips

The rise of the “woke society”—the present generation becoming more socially aware and inclusive—has led to many breakthroughs in thinking. One of which is the idea that “beauty is only skin deep” and that you should prioritize “substance over surface;” physical appearance does not count as much as what the person can offer.

Still, being conscious of what you look like doesn’t make you vain. Fitness is considered a form of wealth now more than ever, and more and more people are getting into workout regimes in or out of gyms. Determined to enhance your muscle fitness? The following are simple and very doable natural bodybuilding tips and guidelines to help you to get into the best shape of your life.

1. Time your workouts strategically.

natural bodybuilding tips

Schedule a workout time that is most convenient for you.

Everyone’s schedules are different and not everyone can allot the same amount of time for physical fitness. The first thing to do is manage your time and find the best time of day to get a workout in.

Studies have found out that there are different advantages and disadvantages between working out during the daytime and the night time. For one, working up a sweat while the sun is still up can develop consistency and help with your circadian rhythm. On the other hand, exercising after the sun is down lessens the sense of hurriedness and it is also a great form of stress relief. In the end, whichever you choose matters little if you don’t stick to it, so make sure to work out consistently.

2. Switch it up.

natural bodybuilding tips

Your workouts should excite you, not bore you.

Routines are a thing of beauty. They promote consistency and discipline, and once you get used to one, it becomes second nature. However, not trying something new when it comes to your workout plans can actually do more harm than good for your body. While a muscle becomes stronger with the repetition of a certain move, this also means it needs to work less over time.

If you’ve noticed that your body has become more capable to handle intensity of your routine, add or remove a set count or try a new workout to make more progress or to build up new muscles.

3. Cool down after you work hard.

natural bodybuilding tips

Help your body ease into its natural state.

The cool down part of your workout is just as important as the warm up part and even the workout itself. Cool down exercises make you slow down your breathing, regulate your heart rate, and lower the body’s core temperature. While skipping the cool down phase isn’t necessarily harmful for the body, studies have shown that without it, the body will take longer to adjust to a state of less activity.

Cool down exercises are very simple ad very easy to do. Samples like a brisk walk for a few minutes; specific stretches targeting your quadriceps, hamstrings, and triceps; and simple yoga poses all count as good cool down moves.

4. Rest and recover.

natural bodybuilding tips

Missing a day (or two) of working it will bring more good than bad.

While you may be motivated to see results as fast as possible, it is also important to note that rest days are also a crucial part of your road to fitness. Overworking your muscles can result in soreness, tiredness, and even muscle damage and system injury if not rested properly in the long run.

So lay off putting too much work on your body during your chosen rest days. You might be motivated enough to work to become a stronger you but at the same time, you should also be kind to and patient with your body.

5. Bring the discipline to the kitchen.

natural bodybuilding tips

Work right and eat right to look right.

Working up a sweat might urge you to reward yourself with delicious but very unhealthy treats. No matter how hard it might be, resist it. The discipline you bring during your workouts should also be present with what you put into your body.

A well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, healthy carbohydrates, lean protein, and lots of fluids is encouraged for you to achieve optimal results. Besides what’s in your plate, portion sizes are also very important. Make sure that you are eating enough—not too much but also not to the point of starvation. What is ‘enough’ varies from person to person depending on the body composition and structure and the fitness goal. Some methods to ensure that you eating enough include daily calorie count, meal timing, and counting macronutrients.

6. Choose the right supplements.

natural bodybuilding tips

Read up on the best supplement type (and form) for you.

Aside from a healthy diet and an effective exercise routine, the right supplements can also take your fitness journey further. Supplements can take your end results to the next level if taken properly and with caution. There are different forms for you to choose from, from powders, to tablets, to capsules, to readily-made drinks, and even energy bars.

There are also different types of supplements for different focuses. Some samples are protein supplements for muscle growth and strength, fish oils for anti-inflammatory effects and possible weight loss, and branch chain amino acids for better performance and longer endurance.

7. Keep track of the changes.

natural bodybuilding tips

Write down every minute detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Since you are used to seeing your body, you might be oblivious to the small yet significant changes that happen as you continue on your fitness journey. This is why it is ideal to keep tabs on it as you go on. Keeping track does not only make you more likely to surpass your goal, but it also also keeps you committed to keep going. Take numerous pictures, write down all measurements, start a food journal on everything that you eat, even measure the clothes you always wear to see if there are any changes.

Furthermore, try to remember that not everything can be measured through the scale. While it may say that you actually gained rather than lost, know that it can be muscle gain, water weight, and hormonal changes.

Check out our list of fitness gyms or browse the Beauty, Health & Wellness category of the ShoppersGuide Directory.

No two fitness journeys are completely alike. All bodies are made differently, with varying compositions and nutritional needs. The significant thing to do is to focus on yourself, work hard, eat well, be consistent, take care of your own body, and the impressive results will come.

Any sure-fire fitness tip you would like to share? Tell us in the comments below!
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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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