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Baguio City Is on a Gastroenteritis Outbreak, So How Do You Protect Yourself from This Illness

FYI, Baguio City declares gastroenteritis epidemic

By: Kriszel T. Rago | January 16, 2024
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viral gastroenteritis outbreak

Here’s how to prevent gastroenteritis illness to ensure your safety during your Baguio trip.

Image: Yoorekka

The holiday season is almost over, but not for Baguio City residents and tourists, as Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong declared a viral gastroenteritis outbreak, adding an unexpected twist to the city’s post-festive vibes.

The gastroenteritis epidemic has unleashed its unwelcome grip on Baguio City, tallying 1,761 self-reported cases, sweeping through 218 establishments and 80 households, leaving both locals and tourists grappling with its effects, pushing some to the extent of hospitalizations. The unexpected surge of cases challenges the city's resilience during what was meant to be a safe and post-festive season.

viral gastroenteritis outbreak

Washing your hands and storing your food correctly can prevent gastroenteritis.

Image: Pixabay

If you plan to visit Baguio at this time of the year, here are some tips to prevent gastroenteritis.

• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and running water before eating and after using the toilet;
• Practice good food hygiene; cook meat thoroughly and avoid raw or undercooked eggs;
• Wash fruits and vegetables before consuming;
• Stay hydrated by drinking clean, safe water such as purified, mineral, or boiled tap water;
• If you are eating out, bring your water;
• Disinfect surfaces regularly, especially in shared spaces;
• Follow proper food storage guidelines;
• Be cautious with street food and ensure its freshness; and,
• Educate yourself on safe travel practices to prevent exposure.

Baguio City Heath Services Offices also advised establishments to serve only purified, mineral, or bottled water and avoid using tap and filtered water.

In a proactive move against the viral gastroenteritis outbreak, the Baguio City government has introduced a food and water-borne illness self-reporting form through this link This allows residents to report symptoms and identify potential sources of contamination, helping the authorities track and manage the outbreak more effectively.

Let these precautions protect you and your loved ones from unexpected challenges during your Baguio trip.

Visit Yoorekka Magazine for more travel tips and guides in Baguio!

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About Kriszel T. Rago
Kriszel is a writer, an aspiring multimedia journalist, and a strong-willed, pierced & inked modern-day kikay tita. As a former iskolar ng bayan–still one at heart, Kriszel is passionate about social issues and everything under the sun. She loves to read, watch documentaries, thriller-mystery series, and anime, cook for her loved ones, and play Valorant & Mobile Legends with friends. Kriszel dreams of being a multiple degree holder and traveling to every province in the Philippines.
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