COVID-19 Consumer News

Razon's By Glenn Has an Adorable Way To Promote Social Distancing

See how this restaurant in Iloilo implements safety precautions!

By: Shanice Reyes | July 10, 2020
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Razon's By Glenn, Iloilo, City of Love, Social Distancing

Cuddly stuffed toys occupy seats to set an example for maintaining physical distancing among customers.

Image: Razon's by Glenn Facebook Page

As the City of Love begins to reopen restaurants for dine-in services, establishments are coming up with novel ways to implement safety measures. This is important, for after months of just takeout and delivery, Ilonggos are now looking for restaurants that prioritize the health and safety of their diners. If you walk into Razon’s by Glenn located at the second floor of Festive Walk Mall in Iloilo, you will see how this restaurant sets an example—in a unique and creative fashion.

Razon's By Glenn is a Kapampangan family restaurant that is known for its three-ingredient halo-halo (a dessert with mixed fruit, shaved ice and milk) and tasty palabok (rice noodle with thick golden shrimp sauce). Apart from having waiters in protective gear and separated tables, the restaurant also implements additional safety protocols and ensures social distancing with an adorable approach, as you will see below.

Filling out of forms upon entry

Customers have to fill out and sign a form before they can sit down and enjoy a meal in this Kapampangan restaurant. This extra precaution set by the establishment requires diners to provide their names and contact information for potential COVID-19 tracing. If the restaurant's lowered capacity is already met, the staff will give the customers a call once their table is ready.

Stuffed Disney characters sit next to diners

Stuffed Toys, family restaurant, Safety Measures

If you dine alone, these classic cartoon characters will keep you company!

Image: Razon's by Glenn Facebook Page

If your childhood was spent watching Disney shows on the television, you would recognize these stuffed cartoon characters. Goofy and Mickey are placed on the restaurant’s chairs to make sure people don’t sit too close together. This creative concept keeps customers at a distance while maintaining a cheerful ambiance.

Aside from filling spaces with fun things, Razon’s By Glenn also reduces the risk of the virus spreading by putting dividers on tables. You will see plastic partitions or see-through shields positioned to divide diners, allowing customers to socialize safely while dining.

All in all, these practical and cute solutions by Razon’s by Glenn are intended not only to remind customers of protocols while dining, but to also leave a smile among their faces.

Looking for more restaurants in Iloilo? Go to Yoorekka to find more!
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About Shanice Reyes
Shanice Reyes writes to buy herself good coffee and bike parts. When she's not writing, you can find her playing Ultimate Frisbee, traveling to new places, or hanging out with her dogs and tarantulas. Though she has an irrational fear of heights, she'd love to try sky-diving one day.
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