Christmas Guide

5 Notable Tiangge Trends You Can Expect After the Holidays

Here’s what happens in tiangges after the shopping frenzy and holiday rush.

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | January 04, 2018
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You know what to expect in a tiangge (bazaars) during the holiday season: queues and queues of people, remarkable sales and steals, and Christmas songs played on loop for hours on end. You get to buy gifts for your loved ones, do your grocery shopping for the specials meals you’ll prepare, and experience the so-called “holiday shopping rush.”

But when the shopping and the merriment of the season are over, have you ever wondered what goes on in these markets? Here are some of the tiangge trends in the Metro that occur after the holidays go by.

1. The markets’ store hours go back to normal.

what to expect in tiangge after Christmas

Bazaars, as well as malls, end their extended store hours after the holidays.

It’s a well-known fact that tiangge malls rake in the most money during the holiday season due to consumers’ higher demand on shopping. But since most consumers have either an 8-to-5 or 9-to-6 work schedule on weekdays, they’ll only get to do their holiday shopping after work. So naturally, tiangges and malls adjusted by extending their store hours beyond the usual. That all ends after the holidays go by though and the operating hours of tiangges and malls go back to normal until the next holiday season.

2. The prices of remaining holiday-themed items go down.

what to expect in tiangge after Christmas

Holiday-themed purchases and decorations go at low prices after the holidays.

It may seem unreasonable, but if you’re looking to save a few bucks on anything Christmas related, the best time to actually buy these things is right after the holidays. From Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, holiday cards, artificial trees, and even holiday wrapping paper, this is the time when these items actually go on super sale. Consider it as very advanced holiday preparations and one less thing you need to think about during the next Yuletide celebration.

3. The markets become less crowded.

what to expect in tiangge after Christmas

Less people go to tiangge markets after the holiday season.

While during and also after the holidays are for shopping and spending quality time with family and friends, a good number of people get their much-deserved R & R (rest and relaxation). Many go home to their provinces and spend the holidays with their families, while some go out of town to the vacation spot they’ve been wanting to go to all year. And since there are generally less people in the city overall, also expect less crowds to flock the tiangge markets.

4. There might be fewer pickpocketing incidents.

what to expect in tiangge after Christmas

Even with fewer people, everyone should remain cautious with their belongings.

Although shopping in tiangge markets has a lot of pros, it also comes with its number of cons. Since a large number of people are always in these markets, crimes such as robbery and theft are some things to worry about. During the holiday rush, shoppers need to guard their belongings at all times if they don’t want to get victimized by criminals. But since the period after the holidays is a time when there are (miraculously) less people in the city, there’s also a lesser chance of getting pickpocketed in these areas. Since there are fewer people around, shoppers can be more easily aware of their surroundings. Of course, this is not an absolute guarantee, so you still need to be on guard at all times.

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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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