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7 Cool Countries near the Philippines to Escape the Hot Weather

Have a sizzling summer away without the heat!

By: Patricia Marie Prado | March 07, 2018
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cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

As residents of a tropical country, we know that summer in the Philippines can be unforgiving. No amount of time spent inside air-conditioned malls can salvage us from the heat. And even if we want to, we can’t possibly spend every single day frolicking in a beach or a pool.

Looking for a cool way to beat the heat? Why not go outside the country? You may think that we need to travel far to experience countries with cooler climates, but our Asian neighbors can actually rescue us from the hot weather! Curious about where you can book your next flight? Read on!

1. Vietnam

Visa: Free for 21 days

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

The rice terraces in Muong Hoa Valley that can be viewed when you trek Phang Xi Pang peak in Sapa!

Image: Suk Jun Chang

Vietnam is popular among Filipinos because of its proximity and the relatively cheap budget needed to visit it. To get away from the heat, skip Hanoi and Saigon and visit Sapa as it experiences a much colder climate than the more popular destinations in the country.

The perfect time to visit the city is between March to May (which is also the perfect time to escape the Manila heat!). This period is the city’s spring time where plants are beginning to bloom and snow is just starting to melt. Aside from enjoying the cool weather, Sapa is also popular as a trekking base. Climb Phang Xi Pang peak and get a gorgeous view of the rice terraces in Muong Hoa Valley.

2. Taiwan

Visa: Free until July 31, 2018

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

Climb Elephant Mountain during spring time and avoid Taiwan’s heat wave.

Image: Danny Du

Another nearby country to escape the summer heat is Taiwan. Spring time in Taiwan falls from March to May where temperatures can play between 15 °C and 22 °C, providing just the right coolness to explore this emerging country.

Spring time in Taiwan is the best time to visit Taipei, its capital, as it can also experience real heat during summer time. Hike the Elephant Mountain and get a great view of Taipei 101 or visit the country’s numerous nature parks without the fear of heat wave.

3. Georgia

Visa: E-visa free for 90 days but apply prior to arrival

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

Hike and visit the famous Gergeti Trinity Church in Georgia and enjoy their cool weather.

Image: @hailsk2411

If you’re looking for a country that is off the beaten path, visit Georgia. Filipinos can visit this Eurasian country by applying for an electronic visa or E-visa which is valid for 90 days. Georgia is a favorite among nature lovers as it is surrounded by rolling hills and mountains and is home to the majestic Caucasian Mountain.

And much like Taiwan and Vietnam, the best time to visit Georgia is also around March to May when the country is experiencing spring time. Another interesting thing to do in Georgia is visiting the Gergeti Trinity Church located at 2,170 meters above sea level. It is found under Mt. Kazbegi, Georgia’s third highest peak.

4. Japan

Visa: required

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

Escape Manila’s traffic and heat and enjoy the brightly-lit streets of Tokyo.

Image: Liam Roberts

Although Japan requires a visa for us Filipinos, there are now dedicated agencies connected with the Asian country to make visa application easier and faster. Once you get your visa, book your flight immediately and make sure to visit Japan during spring time, which is from March to May.

Aside from the cool weather, spring time is also when the famous sakura or cherry blossoms bloom! After savoring the lovely sight of cherry blossoms, enjoy the busy streets of Tokyo or have a wild ride at Universal Studios theme park in Osaka.

5. Mongolia

Visa: Free for 21 days

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

The picturesque sand dunes of Gobi Desert await you in Mongolia.

Image: Xiang Liu

Mongolia may not be on the travel list of most Filipinos, but the birthplace of warrior Genghis Khan offers beautiful landscapes and natural wonders as well. You can try to ride on camels in the Gobi Desert or marvel at the beauty of Terelj National Park and take a picture of the statue of Genghis Khan.

Known as the “Land of the Blue Sky” Mongolia experiences almost 260 days of pure sunshine so you’re sure to have a good day when you visit the country. The winter here is harsh so make sure to visit around March to May during spring time or later in June to September for a cooler climate.

6. South Korea

Visa: Free for Jeju Island

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

Realize your Korean dreams and spend a cold vacation at Jeju Island.

Image: @natdnomsed

What with our obsession with Korean dramas, visiting South Korea is a definitely a dream come true for many Filipinos. Although the country’s visa processing application has many requirements, Filipinos can still visit South Korea without a visa if we head straight to Jeju Island.

Jeju Island boasts of natural resources including Mt. Hallasan, the island’s highest mountain which is listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, and Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls, also known as the Pond of God. Visit during spring time around mid-March to April and witness cherry blossoms bloom at the streets of Jeju Island.

7. Hong Kong

Visa: Free for 14 days

cool weather vacation spots outside Philippines

Spend a day at the happiest place on earth while enjoying the cool breeze of Hong Kong.

Image: @myrandomshotssss

Hong Kong has always been a favorite of many Filipinos whenever they plan a holiday abroad. Aside from its proximity, Hong Kong is also one of the few places in the world where you can visit a Disneyland Theme Park!

If you haven’t ticked this country off your travel goals, the best time to visit is around March to April during spring time. Traveling through Hong Kong requires a lot of walking so there’s no better season to go to it than spring, when there’s a cool breeze to accompany you.

The coming summer months don’t have to be painful and hellish! Choose among any of these nearby countries and savor the cool climate and the sceneries they offer. Let us know in the comments section which of these countries you’ll visit soon.
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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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