COVID-19 Consumer News

Can Wearable Devices Detect Early Symptoms of COVID-19?

The answer is yes, they can help detect early symptoms of COVID-19.

By: Mira Maestrecampo | April 25, 2022
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Studies show that smartwatches can be utilized to detect any related COVID-19 signs.

Image: Unsplash

In recent research and studies, it has been found that smartwatches signals can help detect COVID symptoms and infections. [1] Laboratories worldwide, and with more studies, researchers have found that wearable devices for COVID-19 detection could be possible by monitoring heart health, pulse, oxygen levels, and body temperature.

Since most people cannot get tested easily, the hopeful potential and convenience of using wearable devices can be an alternative way to detect any signs and symptoms of COVID, varying with other functions of the device. These devices are smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other gadgets with the same purpose. Using these gadgets, keeping track of breathing rate, cardiovascular rate, sleep hours, temperature, blood pressure, steps, and other physical activity levels can help indicate symptoms of COVID. In light of this, scientists see a big help and a potential for wearable devices to detect early signs of COVID-19, and these devices can exhibit warning signs through the mentioned vitals and activity levels.

Some symptoms associated with detecting vital signs from wearable devices are experiencing difficulty breathing or shortness of breath and high temperature, and measuring blood oxygen levels.

In today’s modern and technological age, smartwatches are the most popular, most common, and most accessible wearable device. Smartwatches are most commonly used as a health and fitness monitoring wearable device rather than having internet access, messages, and other notifications. Therefore detecting the aforementioned vital signs can be a possible breakthrough and a ‘game changer’ in the early detection of COVID symptoms.

Senior Director of Market Research at Global Data Urte Jakimaviciute quotes that early detection of such symptoms can help regulate the spread of the virus. At the same time, businesses and the economy are slowly reopening now that social distancing is cut back. [2]

Even before adapting to the new normal setup, studies on using wearable devices and utilizing their functions and features of detecting general vital signs and health status concerning COVID symptoms have already been carried out even during the pandemic. Seeing this potential, Scripps Research Translational Institute analyzed and used the Fitbit (a fitness technology brand) data in their 2-year study. In this study, the institute identified people with a flu-like illness and studied the participants’ resting heart rate and physical activity patterns. [3] The lead author of the study Jennifer Radin thought of looking this after experiencing that her resting heart rate was higher than usual, as indicated through her fitness tracker. It was then found that an increased or elevated resting heart rate can be associated with a symptom of an infection. [4]

On an important note, it is still impossible to find out through data from wearable devices that a person has a particular illness. But, detecting unusual changes in significant vital signs can be a big help and serve as an indicator that an individual will need to self-monitor and self-isolate or even undergo required COVID tests.

Once an individual notices unusual data indicated on their wearable device, it is much recommended and safer to self-monitor and self-isolate to minimize spreading the virus in an unfortunate occurrence where they are indeed positive for COVID.

Visit Yoorekka Magazine for more travel and COVID-19 updates and guidelines in Bacolod and Negros Island!

All details and information in this article are true and accurate as of the publication date. However, while we are making our utmost effort to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the condition surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unpredictable, and the situation is developing rapidly. Hence, some information and recommendations may have changed since this article was published. For the latest advice, visit DOH and your LGU's official websites.


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About Mira Maestrecampo
Mira - with a long surname - is a girl who dreams of becoming a news anchor someday, in God's perfect time. She loves to read books and eat different kinds of cheesy or saucy food. A coffee addict and a dog lover, she loves long hugs, hot coffee on an afternoon break with friends, or simply sleeping all day with her stuffed unicorns.
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