COVID-19 Consumer News

Ilocos Sets Stricter Travel Requirements Amid The New COVID-19 Surge

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By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | January 12, 2022
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travel requirements, ilocos, quarantine, health protocols, minimum health protocols, border control

Travel requirements reverted to strict safety protocols and border control in Ilocos.

Image: Ilocos Norte 2nd PMFC Facebook page

After easing restrictions in late 2021, Ilocos will revert to strict border control, safety protocols, and travel requirements amid a new COVID-19 surge after the holidays. Last January 5, Ilocos Norte Governor Matthew Joseph Manotoc issued Executive Order no. 172-22, which indicates the health protocols, border control, and travel requirements for those planning to enter the province.

According to the EO, despite vaccination status, all persons must undergo antigen tests at the border as part of the health protocols. Other travel requirements and health protocols would be to present a negative RT-PCR test result taken 60 hours before arrival or a negative antigen test taken within 24 hours that should be from an accredited testing facility.

Exemptions from these travel requirements, border control, and health protocol are residents who have exited the province not exceeding 72 hours; they are not required to undergo testing if fully vaccinated or symptomatic. The Ilocos Norte government will shoulder testing.

As for authorized persons outside residence (APORs) and Metro Ilocos Norte Council-accredited cargo, their travel requirements include negative COVID-19 results taken in the last seven days. Other scopes of travel requirements and minimum health protocols under the EO tackle venue capacities for indoor and outdoor events: 50 for indoors (excluding staff) and maximum shall be only 30% of the venue capacity. For outdoor events, all will be limited to only 150 individuals, and the maximum is 50% of the venue capacity. All attendees and staff in events at Ilocos must be fully vaccinated. Private gatherings are not allowed as part of minimum health protocols. Quarantine measures were not indicated.

Vaccine cards are required in Bangui Town and Robinsons Mall San Nicolas as safety and minimum health protocols.

In Ilocos Sur, the local government brought back the quarantine, travel requirements, and minimum health protocols like mandatory quarantine and testing for returning residents from areas under Alert Levels 3 and 4. Governor Ryan Luis Singson adds that the quarantine and health protocols will apply to any returning Ilocos residents regardless of their vaccination status.

Travel requirements and minimum health protocols will also affect for those who spend less than 24 hours in areas under Alert Levels 3 and 4. Those who will return to Ilocos from high alert level areas must submit negative RT-PCR test results at least 72 hours upon arrival as travel requirements. Meanwhile, those coming from Alert Level 3 can present negative antigen 48 hours before returning. Aside from the testing and quarantine, returnees must also show their approved S-PaSS and proof of residency for border control.

For the quarantine guidelines, a14-day quarantine is needed for both vaccinated and unvaccinated returnees as part of health protocols and travel requirements. Those with feasible quarantine areas in their homes and have no immunocompromised family members can have a shorter quarantine period.

Visit Yoorekka Magazine for more travel and COVID-19 updates and guidelines in Ilocos and Northern Luzon!

All details and information in this article are true and accurate as of the publication date. However, while we are making our utmost effort to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the condition surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unpredictable, and the situation develops rapidly. Hence, some information and recommendations may have changed since this article was published. For the latest advice, visit DOH and your LGU's official websites.


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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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