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How to Apply the 4S Strategy for Dengue Prevention

Let us help you prevent dengue infection with these game plans.

By: Mira Maestrecampo | September 12, 2022
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strategy in dengue prevention, The Department of Health, dengue case

The 4S Strategy summarizes steps the health and government sectors recommended to aid dengue prevention.

Image: National Environment Agency Government website

As of the last week of August, data on dengue cases has already reached more than 118,000 cases. It is since the start of 2022, as also shown in the latest data of the Department of Health (DOH).

The numbers have shown a 153% increase compared to the reported dengue cases in the same period last year. Deaths caused by dengue have also reached 399. [1]

With this, Filipinos are advised to implement the 4S strategy in dengue prevention—Search and Destroy mosquito breeding sites and places, do Self-Protection, Seek early consultation even during early signs, and Support fogging or spraying in areas where cases are rapidly increasing. The 4S strategy in dengue prevention is highly encouraged in homes, and the DOH continuously reminds the public to be initiators in preventing the rise of dengue cases.

1. Search and destroy mosquito breeding sites

Strategy in Dengue Prevention – The Department of Health – Yoorekka, strategy in dengue prevention

Mosquitos breed in stagnant water, so it is best to dump standing water at least once a week.

Image: Pixabay

Destroy all breeding mosquito spots and possible places where mosquitoes can lay eggs, particularly in your house where stagnant waters are located, and waters are unnecessarily stored. Take the initiative to search for mosquito breeding places around your home. The 4:00 PM habit also applies in this part of the strategy, where you can set the fixed time of 4:00 PM as your search and destroy routine so that you may easily remember to implement this first and most preventive step.

2. Self-Protect/Secure self-protection measures

Strategy in Dengue Prevention – The Department of Health – Yoorekka, The Department of Health

Repel mosquito bites by use of repellant lotions that last for hours.

Image: Pixabay

Secure your own self-protection for you and your family against dengue. Self-protecting measures are easy and should be made a habit for as long as the dengue outbreak exists. These measures include wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants or pajamas, daily use of mosquito patches, mosquito repellent lotions, sprays, and other repellents that you can apply to your body, and using a mosketero or a mosquito net.

3. Seek early consultation from a physician or doctor

Strategy in Dengue Prevention – The Department of Health – Yoorekka, strategy in dengue prevention

Consult a physical immediately when dengue symptoms occur.

Image: Pixabay

When experiencing early signs and symptoms of dengue, such as fever, aches and pains, nausea, or rashes, it is best to seek medical advice immediately. Seeking a physician or a doctor can be done between one to three days of experiencing symptoms, especially fever. Seeking early consultation is a big help in preventing severe dengue cases since this illness can induce life-threatening effects if not addressed at the earliest time possible. Immediate detection of the dengue disease may require the person to rest and take as many fluids to prevent dehydration.

4. Support outdoor and indoor fogging and spraying.

Strategy in Dengue Prevention – The Department of Health – Yoorekka, The Department of Health

Mosquito fogging is a way to prevent the rising of dengue cases in communities.

Image: Barangay Tinampa-an Facebook page

To support the community and society in preventing severe dengue cases in your area, it is best to keep this government initiative. This part of the 4S strategy in dengue prevention applies in dengue hotspot areas where an increase in cases is registered for two consecutive weeks to prevent an impending outbreak [2]. The spraying and fogging are the last of this strategy since this may be done as the previous step during an impending dengue outbreak.

The onslaught of dengue cases in the Philippines triggers an alarm that Filipinos must not neglect. When the 4S strategy in dengue prevention is implemented and applied in each respective home, severe cases and even death caused by this disease can further be stopped and prevented.

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About Mira Maestrecampo
Mira - with a long surname - is a girl who dreams of becoming a news anchor someday, in God's perfect time. She loves to read books and eat different kinds of cheesy or saucy food. A coffee addict and a dog lover, she loves long hugs, hot coffee on an afternoon break with friends, or simply sleeping all day with her stuffed unicorns.
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