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Go Green: Tips on Recycling Appliances and Electronics

The real techie knows how to reuse, reduce, and recycle!

By: Edwin Allan Diaz | August 04, 2016
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Recycling helps reduce man’s pollution and degradation of the earth. While ideas on how to recycle old furniture, clothes, and even food are quite common knowledge to most of us, the case for electronics is not the same. That’s why old electronics that are no longer relevant to our functional needs are usually thrown away, contributing to heaps of electronic waste. Learning how to reduce our electronics waste, reuse old gadgets, and recycle appliances is therefore a tall order even for ordinary people like us so we can help can save our precious Earth.

Old electronics that are still functional can be donated to charities, given to younger relatives as hand-me-downs or as their introduction to using gadgets, or sold through second-hand electronic shops or online stores. However, some broken electronics are just meant for either junk shops or of course recycling. If recycling is your best option, read on. You’d be surprised to learn that you can even earn from recycling old electronics.

Have fun researching and gathering ideas

The Internet is a gold mine. Browse the internet for ideas. Forums are useful if you need inspiration, such as converting old laptops into book stands or amplifiers into storage boxes. Incorporate your own ideas with those of other recyclers, but give credit where credit is due, especially when you post your creations online!

recycle old electronics

You can also approach other people and ask them how they recycle. You can request for recycling tips. Recycling is trial and error, and itself a part of the research process because you can also use input gathered from past projects for future ones.

Knowing how to research properly lets you to effectively collect information for a project you are working on. You will also be equipped with the right knowledge and skills, if you do it well enough. When you’re all set, you might want to find a partner so recycling becomes easier and more fun.

Form a team!

Do not face the research and creation process alone. A partner can take some of the load off your shoulders, especially if it is a big project. It is important to feel relaxed because pressure can affect the finished product. Letting go of stressful situations is important to keep you totally focused on the work at hand. The most important aspect of partnership is teamwork. Do not be a freeloader or a boss over your teammates. You might just be asking for a favor, anyway, right?

Think like a businessman when it comes to recycling

Like in business, recycling has endless possibilities, even for old gadgets and other electronics. And because of the tremendous number of devices made in factories worldwide, recycling has become a must. Everybody owns a phone, in varying sizes and materials used. Perhaps we could start there: An old smart phone can be dedicated to be used for a single purpose like as an alarm clock, web cam or remote camera, or portable hard drive. But broken phones or tablet computers can be repurposed as a pseudo picture frames, book ends, or paper weights. Set your imagination free. If the internet says there are 23 ways to recycle, one-up it. You can improve the list further as you gain experience.

recycle old electronics

Introducing: The fridge couch!

A careful analysis of your backyard can help with recycling ideas. For example, if your garden lacks seats, a refrigerator can be transformed into a sofa or recliner on account of its immense size. Remove the refrigerant and install foam on the inside of the refrigerator. It is advisable to do this with an electrician to keep safe. You can remove the entire door if you do not want it to have a backrest, especially if you are going to place it against a wall. Repaint the entire refrigerator to the color of your choice and make sure everything is secure.

Turn recycling electronics into a business

People who are low on funds can benefit from well-crafted and reasonably priced recycled items. Think of what people are lacking and what could be useful for them. For example, a toaster can be converted into a mini bookcase or an enclosed storage for small food items. The shiny blades of a ceiling fan can be used in toy windmill or as reflectors for the budget cyclist. There are people who crave for unique pieces and people specifically looking for recycled items only to decorate their homes with. Find these customers online!

recycle old electronics

A very creative way to recycle old TV sets, don’t you think so?

Your recycling projects do not have to be made purely with appliances: it can be a combination of multiple types of objects. You will find that being resourceful can nab you some great ideas even if you don’t have something in mind to create yet. You are the inventor and guinea pig–think of yourself first before sharing with others what you have made. Are you impressed with your own product? If so, then that’s the time to start sharing–or selling!

Be responsible

Although there are four R’s in recycling (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover), there exists a fifth one: Responsibility. Be responsible and ensure that the repurposed product you have just created is of quality and will not do further harm in the environment. You are accountable for others around you and how your work affects other people.

You can earn from your creativity and raise awareness with what you make. Good recycling can influence your friends or relatives that become aware of your projects to do the same. Regardless of how much you sell, you’ve already won in the long run by inspiring positive vibes and helping save the environment!

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About Edwin Allan Diaz
Allan is a freelance writer from the Philippines. He has written for various media outlets in and out of the country after graduating from the University of Santo Tomas with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism. He would play computer games and perform music together with his bands during his spare time. He has a bucket list that he wants to fulfill, including going around the world on a bicycle and performing in a gig once a day, for 365 days.
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