Have a posh Christmas!
Hard, aged cheeses like cheddar are terrific with tannic red wines.
If you’re serving Pinot Noir, the delicately flavored Comté deserves a spot on the table.
Gruyere is well loved for its versatility and pairs very well with the ever-reliable Sauvignon Blanc.
That gooey, rich triple cream Brie works best with whites like Chardonnay and Champagne.
See which type of goat cheese tickles your fancy, then pick between Riesling and Rosé for a great pairing.
Manchego can go by many names, depending on its age. Semi-curado is aged around three months, while curado is aged for at least six months.
Enjoy an Italian feast of refreshing Pinot Grigio that punches through mozzarella and tomatoes with its citrusy flavors.
Because of its saltiness when aged, Pecorino Romano needs a big red wine like the Tuscan Sangiovese.
You’ll know it from its signature red wax, and the Gouda is rich in flavor and lends itself well to the jammy, fruity Zinfandel wine.
Aged Port wine takes on caramel and vanilla flavors that can stand up against the power of blue cheese.