To pull off an excellent shopping activity very early in the year, one also needs to be wise with money. Do not spend all your cash on Christmas celebrations and gift-giving. If you have received unexpected cash gifts and bonuses, you can even set these aside and use some of them to shop for the year’s necessities. Some people are in financial trouble come January because they went through some pretty extravagant Christmas and pre-Christmas spending binges. If you can budget your money correctly, you’ll have enough for your New Year shopping spree.
Once you have made your list, try to see if you can find information online regarding New Year sales and post-Christmas promos in some
shops in the Philippines. Then you can match these with your list. Usually, the sales are advertised prominently, so it shouldn’t be a problem trying to get information on which malls or stores are having a sale.
And when the New Year shopping activity is over, you may not need to worry about shopping too much for the rest of the year. You might have to go bulk shopping once or twice more, but that’s it. It takes some planning, but just imagine the time and money you will be able to save if you can do this shopping business well. You may have to drop by the stores for things you may have missed or new needs that pop up unexpectedly or replenish the perishables, but the shopping trips may now be few and far between, which means more savings.
Give it a try and see if it’s a system that works for your household. Happy shopping!
This article was initially published in Yoorekka on January 05, 2017.
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