Buying & Rental Tips

Clever Tips and Tricks to Guide the First Time Home Renter

First time home-renter? These tips can help you!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | August 27, 2018
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tips for first time renters

If you are now able to rent a home for the first time, congratulations! That is not an easy feat and you should definitely be proud of yourself. But a few helpful tips for first time renters on how to go about the process can help you avoid making grave mistakes. The following is a six-step guide to serve as your beacon in the dark. Read on!

1. Stay within your means.

tips for first time renters

Financial advisers recommend not using more that 30 percent of your income for rent.

There are three crucial Bs to practice in adulthood: balance, bravery, and budget. Since you are making your own money, you should be aware of every single centavo spent. This is especially important when renting a home. Make sure that your budget dictates your choice. While a three-bedroom penthouse sounds appealing, you also need to be realistic on what you can and cannot afford. Before doing anything else, determine what percentage of your monthly budget can go into the rent without you having to sacrifice other necessities.

2. Call in the experts.

tips for first time renters

While a real estate agent isn’t a requirement, it is recommended especially for first-time renters.

Since you are new to renting a house, there is no shame in asking help from the experts. With the abundance of listings online, it’s easy to be tempted to do this on your own, but seeking advice from professionals can prevent you from taking bad turns along the way. Real estate agents can help you scope out properties and closely examine your finances to truly determine the best place for you.

3. Scope out the entire market.

tips for first time renters

Search both online and in person for properties to consider.

There are times in life when you can be easy-going and carefree, but this doesn’t include the time when you’re looking for a house to rent. Be analytical when going through properties. There is no space for mistakes when your money is on the line. Do not solely rely on the listings online; be on the lookout for open houses and housing fairs. Also do not go for “passable” or “just okay” properties; remember that this is to be your dwelling for the foreseeable future so always aim for the best.

4. Be critical about everything in sight.

tips for first time renters

Be keen before moving in to avoid future problems.

When inspecting a potential property, be critical about everything. Focus less on the aesthetic; rather, inspect the plumbing, the electrical wiring, the surrounding traffic, and even the neighborhood situation. Remember that you are going to live here and that this is the place where you will rest, sleep, and recover from the day. Do not ignore seemingly minor problems, as these might inconvenience you greatly along the way.

5. Memorize the lease like the back of your hand.

tips for first time renters

Being conscious of the paperwork will only do you good.

The lease serves as your contract for moving in and it can even be your saving grace if things go awry in the midst of your stay. Be aware of the subsequent fees such as the move-in fee and miscellaneous fee, as well as the length of the lease, possible rent increases, and the deposit you’ll get back once you move out. Knowing the ins and outs of the lease would help you be a secured and protected home renter. However, make sure not to sign the lease if you have an issue about any of the conditions stated. Address these concerns before anything gets signed.

6. Be courteous of the landlord’s requests.

tips for first time renters

Become a righteous and respectful home renter.

Here’s the reality: you are going to be a home renter, not a home owner. So naturally, your future dwelling is owned by a landlord or, if your place is in a condominium, an association. The landlord might not allow some things, such as keeping a pet or subletting the place, and you should respect this. It is important to know not only your rights but also your limits. Your landlord might also make you sign renter’s insurance and ask for your credit score which you should willingly provide.

No one is skilled or knowledgeable about something if it would be the first time they venture into it. And just like in the world of home renting, being well-informed about the steps to take will only do you favors in the future.

Do you have your own home renter tips you’d like to share? Tell us in the comments below!
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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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