Christmas Guide

Top Christmas Activities in the Philippines 2018

What is your favorite part of Christmas? Here are our readers’ top holiday traditions!

By: Patricia Marie Prado | October 28, 2018
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Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Filipinos are big on traditions and celebrations during the Christmas season. These familiar gestures are a comfort; wherever we are in the in the country or in the world, the holidays get better and brighter when we do certain Christmas traditions that we’ve grown up doing.

So in line with the upcoming holidays, we asked our readers their favorite Christmas activities in the country and the results are in. Read on and see if your favorite Christmas activities in the Philippines made the list this 2018.

6. Monito-Monita

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Drop off your gift but don’t let your monito or monita catch you!

The first Christmas activity that made it on our list is monito-monita. This Filipino version of Secret Santa is a favorite tradition that’s done weeks or even months away from Christmas. It usually involves a group of people who draw lots to determine their monito (if they picked a man) or monita (if they picked a woman). Each week, everyone is to give gifts to their monito or monita following a specific theme.

Aside from the excitement of receiving funny and quirky gifts, the thrill of not knowing who your gift-giver is and having it as a mystery until Christmas is what makes this activity a favorite.

5. Simbang Gabi

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Many Catholic families aim to complete simbang gabi during the holidays.

The activity that made it on the fifth spot is simbang gabi. Although it is literally translated as “night mass,” simbang gabi is a series of masses starting nine days before Christmas that are often done before the break of dawn, although night masses may also be held.

This tradition dates back to our Spanish colonization era, when priests performed the mass very early in the morning so farmers and fishermen could attend before the day’s work. Fast-forward to today and simbang gabi is one of the most anticipated activities during the holidays. Many Catholics view the sacrifice of waking up very early in the morning as a form of gratitude to God and His son Jesus Christ. It is also a well-loved bonding activity by family and friends.

4. Caroling

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Come December, it’s typical for kids to knock on doors and sing Christmas songs.

Caroling is the third on our list of favorite activities during Christmas. If you’re a Filipino, your childhood wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t do some Christmas caroling when you were young. Kids would usually make improvised musical instruments from everyday items and go from one house to another, belting out popular Christmas songs. House owners, in return, would bless the children and give them money or loose change as a form of aguinaldo (Christmas cash gift).

3. Staycation

Voter’s comment:
“It gives my family a chance to bond after a great year.” - Zack

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Escaping the Christmas rush and staycationing is becoming popular among Filipinos.

The third activity that made it in our list is having a staycation. Although it’s a relatively new activity, more and more Filipinos in the city are seeing the appeal of having a staycation with their family during the holidays. The idea of staying in a fancy hotel within the city escape from the Christmas rush and still relax is indeed a great activity.

Hotels are also leveling up their services during Christmas time and offer promotions to entice many Filipinos to stay with them. Some even host Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties and provide a generous banquet for their guests.

2. Christmas Parties and Family Reunions

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

Parties and reunions are a must among Filipinos every Christmas.

The activity that made it on the second spot is Christmas parties and family reunions. Many schools and companies host Christmas parties before the holiday break commences, for the students and employees to unwind and have a great time. Christmas parties are also the time when the monito and monita are revealed!

Family reunions, on the other hand, are also a staple during the yuletide season. Many Filipinos, especially those coming from abroad, make it a point to go home during Christmas to celebrate the holidays with their family. Reunions make Christmas truly the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a time for kids to meet and bond with their cousins from all over the world, brothers and sisters to catch up or patch things up, and grandparents to have everyone over and feed them.

1. Noche Buena

Christmas activities Philippines 2018

A Filipino Christmas wouldn’t be complete without Noche Buena.

The Christmas activity that made it to the top spot is noche buena. The Christmas Eve dinner is often the highlight of every Christmas celebration in the country. Families gather around the dinner table after attending simbang gabi and enjoy a grand meal while waiting for Christmas day to arrive.

Noche buena is also known as one of the best feasts of the year. Here, seasonal favorites like queso de bola (Edam cheese) and hamonado (sweet pork ham) take the center stage. This is also the time when parents and grandparents whip up their famous recipes for the whole family to enjoy.

Like it or not, these activities are what makes the Filipino Christmas special. Let us know in the comments section which of these Christmas activities in the Philippines you love the most.
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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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