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How to Start Your Fitness Journey with Slimmers World

Get the tips you need to achieve your body goals!

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | January 01, 2023
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Slimmers World – Fitness – Body Goals – Yoorekka.com, Slimmers World

New Year, new you? These tips can help you achieve that goal.

Images: Slimmers World International Facebook page

The high of the New Year has almost faded. Most people are likely going through their New Year’s resolutions already. After weeks of holiday indulgence and binging, it’s not surprising to see that most New Year’s resolutions involve fitness and self-improvement. Some might want to lose weight or gain a few muscles, while some vow to have clearer skin this year. But whatever it is—whether it’s becoming fit or enhancing your general skin condition—the journey is not easy.

Improving your health and physical appearance, especially your body and skin, takes grit and discipline. Fortunately, establishments like Slimmers World can help anyone achieve these goals. To get you started, below are some tips on improving your fitness and skin condition, as well as helpful information on how Slimmers World can help you achieve your goals through their impressive facilities and equipment.

1. Start slow.

Slimmers World – Fitness – Body Goals – Yoorekka.com, fitness

Don’t be too hard on yourself; start slow and gradually build up once you feel stronger.

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

Some people stop working out a little too soon because they are intimidated by the gym culture and the staggering options. The workout lingo and equipment can be overwhelming, and gym newbies who find it hard to do intense workouts on their first try might suffer from self-consciousness. Feeling these things is alright, but they should not be a reason for you to stop showing up to the gym.

Take it slow. Choose a fitness program that best suits your needs and body goals for your initial step. Beginners are advised to do some cardiovascular workouts and lift light weights. This should be partnered with a healthy meal plan. Extreme dieting is not recommended since it can lead to muscle loss and hormonal effects that can increase your appetite.

For beginners who want additional guidance, Slimmers World can offer you an individual trainer under their fitness programs. Having a personal and licensed physical therapist as a trainer ensures that you will be guided accordingly and adequately when you execute the workouts.

2. Choose the right program.

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When you’ve found the right program, invite your buddies! Working out with friends is scientifically proven to increase motivation.

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

You will find multiple programs, but you should choose one based on your body’s needs and lifestyle. List down the goals you want to achieve on your fitness journey to determine which steps to take.

Slimmers World has programs that are suitable for different types of situations. For example, the Biometrics Program is for busy individuals who plan on losing weight while utilizing gym facilities. Meanwhile, the Passive Slimming Program is suitable for less active individuals; it includes several body-shaping technologies and a designed eating plan to help with weight loss.

Group workouts are for people who want to fit in with their buff friends, such as CYKL Squad and Squadcore. The CYKL Squad program is a great cardio workout that features indoor cycling. Squadcore, on the other hand, is a combined exercise program for a group of five people who want to develop their core.

3. Have the right mindset.

Slimmers World – Fitness – Body Goals – Yoorekka.com, Slimmers World

Smile and enjoy every workout!

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

Don’t wait to work out; jump right into it! Avoid procrastinating and making excuses in achieving your fitness goals. You can do this if you make working out a habit and a part of your lifestyle. It will be challenging initially, but once it becomes ingrained in your routine, you’ll forget you’ve ever dreaded going to the gym! However, set realistic and achievable goals to avoid over-exercising and over-training. Having overly ambitious goals can undermine your efforts and make you feel frustrated.

4. Manage your expectations.

Slimmers World, fitness, body goals

Getting better takes time, and keeping this in mind from the beginning is essential.

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

The results of your workouts and weight loss will not manifest overnight. Realistically speaking, with a good routine and healthy diet, it will take around four to six weeks to see results. Remember that your journey will take time. Stick it out, and soon you’ll hear everyone complimenting you on how much fitter you’ve become! Do not be frustrated by the lack of progress; be patient.

Experts at Slimmers World also believe that you should not concentrate on weight alone and instead shift your focus on strength gains. After all, being strong is better than just looking strong. It means that you have made improvements. Once you feel that your workouts have become more manageable, congratulations!

5. Eat clean to get better skin.

Slimmers World – Fitness – Body Goals – Yoorekka.com, fitness

You can get smooth, flawless, and glowing skin by being healthier internally.

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

If you have finally achieved your ideal weight and body goals, healthy glowing skin might be your next goal. To achieve flawless skin, it is advised at Slimmers World to start within since everything in the body is correlated. Simply put, you have to watch what you eat; say no to junk and processed food and say yes to all things fresh. If you have a diet that consists of healthy food, you will get the proper nutrients and vitamins that can make your skin glow and make you feel good overall.

As a side note, working out will also help your case. Believe it or not, breaking a sweat contributes to skin improvements as it opens up your pores and releases the toxins that clog them. Working out also releases hormones that can alleviate stress, another common cause of acne.

Discover more tips on how to eat healthy and have an active lifestyle at Yoorekka.

6. Treat problem areas.

Slimmers World – Fitness – Body Goals – Yoorekka.com, body goals

Slimmers World’s different skin treatments tend to various skin problems.

Image: Slimmers World International Facebook page

If eating correctly and working out does not address your skin issues, skin programs might help. Having a skin program can not only cure various skin conditions but also ease the process of improving your complexion.

Slimmers World has multiple programs that can improve problem areas in your skin. For acne-prone skin, there is the Laser Acne Treatment, a dermatological procedure that extracts bacteria and comedones that produce inflamed acne. To rejuvenate your skin and look younger, you can choose from programs such as Skinfirme, Thread Lift, Ultralift, and Vitaderm. These focus on eliminating facial lines and wrinkles that age your appearance. Skin brightening procedures such as Glutathione, Skin Whitening System, and Laser White are available for those who want to eliminate dark spots, hyperpigmentation, sun tans, sun freckles, and even tattoos.

Of course, your face is not the only part you should give attention to—your body needs much pampering, tooBody treatments are your best bet if you’re committed to achieving better skin from head to toe. The most popular procedures are getting rid of cellulite and firming up body muscles. Slimmers World has extensive body treatments that focus on these, such as the Cellulite Cure Massage and Cellu-o.

Improving your overall physique is not an easy road to take, but Slimmers World will help you get there. With their extensive list of fitness and beauty programs, you can find the proper procedure to help you become the best version of yourself—not just this but for the years to come.

Knowing how and where to start becoming a better version of yourself can be confusing. Fortunately, knowing when to start is easy. The answer is now.

Slimmers World is open daily. For bookings and inquiries, call them at 091SLIMMERS or visit their pages for more information:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slimmersworldinternational/
Website: https://slimmersworld.com.ph/

Looking for more fitness tips? Visit Yoorekka Magazine to find out more!

This article was initially published in Yoorekka on January 24, 2019.

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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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