GymGal weights are IG-worthy and also provide many benefits fitness-wise. If your goal is weight loss, the bangles can help you shave off some pounds by adding resistance to your home workout routines. Using them in your exercises can also help tone muscles and improve stamina and endurance. If you plan on toning weaker muscles, you can use the weights when doing isolation workouts for specific areas like the thighs, calves, hamstrings, abs, and buttocks.
GymGal’s wearable equipment allows you to move freely and perform effectively, especially in aerobics, shadow boxing, running, and yoga, unlike other traditional weights like dumbells. They can also be helpful for hip work when used as ankle weights since they allow you to move in every rotation and direction.
Lastly, you don’t even have to do intense workouts while wearing the weights to reap some benefits! Even leisure walks and jogging with ankle weights can have sound effects like cardiovascular conditioning and increasing bone density.