Malls + Markets Shopping

Event Souvenir Finds Inside 168 Shopping Mall Divisoria

Check some keepsake giveaways you can order from one of Divisoria, Manila’s popular budget malls.

By: Karen Grace Libao | August 20, 2016
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We celebrate special occasions with family and friends because we want them to be part of the memories we create. They oblige us by attending the parties we organize. One way to show our gratitude, as well as to remind them of the moments they’ve shared with us, is to give them tokens that represent the celebration.

While online shops selling customized event souvenirs are booming these days, nothing will compare to seeing and inspecting a product first-hand.

We at Yoorekka went underground the 168 Shopping Mall in Divisoria to find what kinds of event souvenirs the mall has to offer.

Going underground

Upon entering the Divisoria mall, we were welcomed by a myriad of stores installed in every corner. Each has its own specialty—fashionable tops, shoes, gadgets, printing services, and accessories, among others. Souvenir items and party paraphernalia are located at the lower ground floor of the mall, together with ready-to-wear (RTW) gowns for wedding entourage.

Souvenir items

Divisoria souvenir shop

Rolled towels formed into a cupcake

We found towel cupcakes which are nice giveaways for baptismal and children’s parties. The towels are available in several colors that are almost all in pastel shades. Each piece costs PhP60.

Divisoria souvenir shop

Handcrafted wire souvenir items for weddings, anniversaries, and debut parties

Wire desk knick knacks displayed at Helen and Jerry Souvenir Shop range from PhP35 to PhP90, depending on the size and design. These types of souvenirs are ideal giveaways for baptismal, wedding, birthday, debut, and corporate parties. Some items can be decorated with the celebrant’s image or company logo based on the clients’ preference.

Most of the designs and motifs displayed in other stalls are conventional or too common for someone’s taste but will definitely save the customers from overspending. If you would like to create your own design, try to ask the supplier if they can customize based on a layout you will provide. Make sure you discuss terms and pricing before you close the deal.

Having already visited three stalls around the area and realizing that they all offer typical souvenirs, we decided to call it a day. But then before we bid adieu to 168 Shopping Mall, a store that exhibits wedding invitations and souvenirs for every event caught our attention. The store was filled with customers while the sales attendants seemed too busy entertaining customers so just we just opted to look around a bit and then asked for their business card so we can make inquiries online.

The store is Josie and Antong’s shop and they have a Facebook account where pictures of the items available in their physical store are posted. Interested customers can message them online or contact them on their mobile for directions at +639287704611 if they want to visit the shop.

Here are some of the items they offer:

Divisoria souvenir shop cartoon

Cartoon character picture frames where you can insert party details

Divisoria souvenir shop

Mini picture frames

Divisoria souvenir shop

Wedding souvenir items

Divisoria souvenir shop

Event souvenirs made from glass (Photos from Josie Bell Facebook account)

Do’s and don’ts

Scouting for the best deal is fun and tiring at the same time. And even if 168 is an air-conditioned mall, remember that this is not like those exclusive malls in the business districts with tight security. Nevertheless, the good thing about shopping there is you can bargain as much as your convincing power works.


• Have a lot of patience. There are many stores in Divisoria that have similar items, which they sell at different prices.
• Always choose the better deal without compromising the quality of the product.
• Be a good negotiator. Usually, the supplier gives a discount if a customer gets 20 pieces or more.
• Raise all your concerns so you can be sure about the products you will choose.
• When scouting for suppliers, before actually placing orders, collect business cards and read on reviews about the stores you are eyeing.
• Always ask for an official receipt on your purchases. This will serve as your guarantee against product defects.
• When your order arrives, immediately check all products for damages.
• Bring cash for your purchases as stores in Divisioria don’t accept credits cards.


• Do not take photos without permission. Most stores don’t want their products to be photographed, most probably to protect their designs from getting copied.
• If it’s too good to be true, it is either not good or not true. So, don’t buy it. You have reason to doubt if you’re being offered a large item with intricate design for only PhP20 per piece, don’t you think?
• When you’ve decided to place an order, don’t make a full payment yet. Just make 50% down payment first; settle the balance upon completion of the order.
• Don’t bring too much excess money because (1) pickpockets might take advantage and (2) you might not control yourself and be tempted to buy the many fashion finds displayed at the mall.

Getting there

Divisoria souvenir shop pedestrian

Pedestrian lane across Tutuban Center

The landmark nearest 168 Shopping Mall is LRT 2 Recto Station. Whether you’ll be coming from the north or the south, take the MRT-LRT route that will drop you off at Recto Station. From there, take a jeepney going to Divisoria and get off at Tutuban Mall. Walk through Recto and towards Jose Abad Santos until you see the building of 168 Shopping Mall.

Those coming from the south and the Manila area can also take the Philippine National Railway (PNR) train; the last station is right at Tutuban. From the station, walk towards the waiting shed going to Tutuban Center Mall. Enter this mall until you reach the other side, where you should exit. It is now easy to navigate from there because 168 Mall, along with other malls in the area, are already within view.

Want to learn more where to shop? Check out our List of Souvenir stores in Metro Manila or browse the Specialty Goods category of the Yoorekka Directory.

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About Karen Grace Libao
Karen writes for a living and for fun. She started her writing career in 2014 when she worked as Content Manager for a women’s website and never looked back since. On her free time, she tries to catch up on her current reads, seeing independently-produced films, watching theatre plays, and attending live music and open mic gigs. She dreams of becoming a published writer and film producer in the future.
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