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Alternative Facial Salon Review Series: Dermcare

Find luxury beauty treatments and products at a good price.

By: Lovelle G. Almazar | September 09, 2016
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Aside from using only the best types and brands of make-up and other products on your face, the secret to looking good includes finding a good facial care salon that can help you clean your face from stubborn dirt and give you other facial and skincare treatments at an affordable price.

Don't know where to go yet? ShoppersGuide.com.ph got you covered! We bring you our Alternative Facial Care Salon Review Series where our writers and editors visit facial clinics to try their facial cleaning services and then give an honest review.

Our first stop is Dermcare Professional. Read on and find out if this establishment is the right one for you.

Visit For

Superb facial cleaning at an affordable price

The Waiting Area

facial cleaning in Manila review

Ottoman chairs and golden seats in apple green and purple at the waiting area

facial cleaning in Manila review

Chandeliers in hues of green and gold add an elegant charm.

The color combination of purple and bright apple green with touches of gold in the receiving area is both girly and royal-looking—enough to set the mood for pampering and relaxation. The place smells wonderful too: fruity and happy (if happiness can be smelled).

The Salon Room

facial cleaning in Manila review salon

The salon area is dimly lit and well-ventilated.

facial cleaning in Manila review

The bed is actually very comfortable.

The actual room for facial treatment is a shared space with four beds beside each other, separated only by a white sheer curtain. Attached to each bed is a movable arm which holds the lamp. Each bed has its own facial steamer. Private rooms are available for body and hair services.

The Actual Session

My esthetician instructed me to wash my face at the wash area located just beside the beds and to proceed to the bed after. After that, the basic facial cleaning treatment was started beginning with steaming to open the pores on my face. The procedure took 25 minutes.

facial cleaning in Manila review

The gold and green motif extends to the wash area.

I was next introduced to the suction tool that looks like a pen and works like a vacuum meant to suck or loosen the dirt in one’s pores. This procedure did not hurt at all and took only less than five minutes.

Then main event was the extraction which is the removal of dirt such as blackheads and whiteheads as well as pricking of minor pimples, if any, through squeezing. This procedure took 20 minutes.

facial cleaning in Manila review

The concentration was on the T-zone: forehead, nose, and chin.

Then, a cool moisturizer was applied onto my skin to close the pores. These steps are all that a basic facial worth PhP300 should have but I decided to avail myself of a collagen mask add-on. A net cloth was placed on my face before the cool collagen gel was brushed onto my skin and left there for 20 minutes. After removing the net and the mask I was given a quick back and arm massage. I was further instructed not to wash my face overnight.

Services & Products

facial cleaning in Manila review

Dermcare offers a wide range of beauty products such as soaps, shampoos, whitening lotions, and anti-aging creams.

For facial treatment: Therapeutic facial and acne control, whitening, and anti-aging; For hair treatment: Hair rebonding, dandruff control, and hair color; For body treatment: body scrubs, hair waxing, body contouring, and slimming treatment. Dermcare also has an assortment of beauty products with their latest offering, the Celaskin Set formulated in Germany.

The Divine

The esthetician’s hands were light and all her movements were careful as if she was doing treatment on a fragile porcelain doll. The removal of dirt on my nose was really good. I was more satisfied with the result than from other facial cleaning services I’ve tried in other skin care clinics. The collagen mask felt wonderful too.

For Improvement

One is the cramped facial cleaning area. It is not a place for chatterboxes lest you disturb other clients around you. Avoid unnecessary movements as well. The beds are very near to each other. Getting up, I hit the arm extension of my bed.

Another is the length of time under steam without anyone checking how I was feeling. I wish I was given a bell to ring or a button to press in case I felt uncomfortable.


A treasure for budget-conscious clients looking for quality treatment

Branch Visited

Address: LGF SM City Fairview Annex 2, Quirino Highway, cor. Regalado Avenue, Quezon City
Contact nos.: (632) 373-2149, (63922) 854-7520
As of writing, Dermcare has 70 branches all over NCR, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ShoppersGuide would like to thank Dermcare Professional for accommodating our invitation to review their establishment.
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About Lovelle G. Almazar
Lovelle is a former Editorial Consultant at Shoppersguide.com.ph. On weekends, she is usually busy cooking new recipes, dining with friends, immersing herself on a new hobby, or shopping with her mom. A business and education blogger, Lovelle wishes that all companies in the world become earth-friendly, social enterprises (businesses with a social purpose) with good health programs for its employees.
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