Fashion + Apparel

How to Achieve Fashionable, Practical Outfits for Rainy-Day Commutes

Make your rainy-day commute feel like a walk on the runway with these tips.

By: Karen Grace Libao | September 27, 2017
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When the rain taps on the window pane to signal that it’s cuddle weather, the best thing to do is laze in bed, sip a cup of hot tea, and read a good book. This is the expectation, but the reality is commitments and appointments do not disappear on rainy days.

Going out is made harder by the fact that the rain makes it difficult to commute to places, and when one has arrived he/she’ll probably be sporting an unintentional and unflattering wet look. This is something we know too well, and all we can say is, “Haggard!” So here are some fashion tips to help you look fresh and lively despite the lazy weather and the challenging commute.

Wear a dress or a pair of shorts.

rainy day commute outfit

Keep your legs bare in case of a sudden flood.

Covering your skin from top to bottom when it’s raining can help you feel warm, but this would also make it harder for you if you got wet. Wearing a casual dress or shorts can save you from this dilemma. These pieces would also give you less to worry about if you have to brave floodwaters on your commute. You can go through the flood without having to think of your shorts or dress getting wet, and then you can simply wipe off the water or dirt from your legs afterwards.

Where to buy: H&M, Topman, Bench


  • Make sure to keep a pack of wet wipes or tissue or a small towel in your bag to always have something to wipe your legs with.
  • Stay away from cotton as this material dries slowly. Instead, look for dresses or shorts made out of polyester or nylon.

Bring a packable jacket.

rainy day commute outfit

Pocketable jackets are the epitome of convenience

The Philippine weather is very unpredictable. Sometimes rains in the mornings feel like they’ll last all day, but after an hour it’s sunny and humid once again. This is where a packable jacket comes in handy. It’s compact and easy to fit in your bag, thus making it easier to bring compared to cardigans and normal jackets. In case it’s raining hard in the morning and suddenly Mr. Sun says hello later in the afternoon, you can simply take off your jacket and your OOTD will still be suitable for the weather.

Where to buy: Uniqlo, Salomon, Nike


  • Opt for a dark or neutral-colored jacket so it’ll go with any outfit, and don’t forget to bring the pouch your jacket came with for easy stowing.
  • When finally indoors, don’t forget to take your wet jacket out and hang it to dry to keep it from smelling bad.

Have dark-colored pants in your OOTD.

rainy day commute outfit

A pair of black pants keeps you from looking rained on.

If you’re not comfortable wearing dresses or shorts, try wearing a pair of black pants. Black or dark-colored materials are recommended since they do not easily show wet spots when they get wet as opposed to light-colored fabrics. For maximum comfort and flexibility, opt for pants made out of stretchy fabric or wear loose-fitting pants instead. These will help you move freely when you need to rush after a bus or a jeepney.


  • Before going out in the rain, fold the hem of your pants to avoid getting them wet if you step on a puddle. Better yet, buy styles such as cropped pants, ankle pants, or culottes to skip having to fold and unfold the hem.
  • If you want more flexibility, try dark-colored leggings.

Wear flip flops on the commute.

rainy day commute outfit

Fear no flood with flip flops!

Floodwaters and puddles are the biggest enemies of shoes. Wet shoes will not only deteriorate quickly, but will also make you suffer from wet feet the whole day. If you don’t mind getting your feet wet for a short time, wear a pair of flip flops on your way to your destination. Keep the shoes for your OOTD inside your bag and then simply change into them when you arrive at your destination. If you’re still keen on looking fash on the commute, invest pairs with styles that go beyond the standard flip flop design.

Where to buy: Havaianas, Banana Peel, Sandugo


  • Buy foldable flats to make more room in your bag for other rainy-day staples.
  • Don’t forget to bring an extra plastic bag to put your flip-flops in!

Don boots to avoid wet feet.

rainy day commute outfit

A pair of quality boots can go a long way—literally.

Hate getting your feet wet? Get yourself a pair of quality waterproof boots that will get you through the floodwaters during your commute. A big bonus to wearing boots is that they go well with almost anything: shorts, skirt, jeggings, or fitted black pants—you name it! Just check that the pair you buy adheres to the dress code of your school or workplace. For ultimate comfort, pair your boots with thick, comfy socks. Socks made out of Merino wool are recommended since the fabric retains heat and also dries easily.


  • Before buying your boots, make sure that its soles have good traction—you don’t want to slip on the sidewalk during a downpour!
  • Buy boots that have thicker soles, so that you’re worry-free even in ankle-deep flood. But make sure you can run to catch your bus in them.

The best tip for rainy days is, of course, to be prepared all the time. So aside from applying these fashion hacks, make sure to always bring an umbrella and to waterproof important documents in your bag by placing them in a plastic bag or a dry bag. Now you’re ready to brave the rain!

Got more fashion tips for a rainy-day commute? Share your ideas with us by posting a comment below!

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About Karen Grace Libao
Karen writes for a living and for fun. She started her writing career in 2014 when she worked as Content Manager for a women’s website and never looked back since. On her free time, she tries to catch up on her current reads, seeing independently-produced films, watching theatre plays, and attending live music and open mic gigs. She dreams of becoming a published writer and film producer in the future.
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