Top Rainy Day Activities at Home

Don’t know what to do when it’s raining? Our readers have some fun ideas!

By: Patricia Marie Prado | June 24, 2018
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rainy day activities at home

Living in a tropical country means we get to enjoy warm climate and sunshine for months on end. This gives us plenty of time to hit the beach whenever we want to or enjoy outdoors while the sun is shining brightly over us. But as with all things, seasons change, too; once the sunshine ends, in comes the rain. The rainy season, with all its brisk winds and constant downpours, means we’re often cooped up indoors wondering what to do.

Although the rainy season makes most of us feel blue, we can still make the most out of it. We recently asked our readers about their favorite things to do when it’s raining, and the results are in! Read on to see the best rainy activities at home you can try next time the weather is uncooperative and you’re stuck indoors.

5. Play puzzles or charades with your family or friends

rainy day activities at home

Games will keep you busy for hours during the rainy days.

The first activity on our list is playing puzzles or charades with family or friends. Since staying indoors is probably the best way to avoid getting wet or sick under the rain, then it would be perfect to play indoor games. Puzzles and board games are not only entertaining but are also proven to improve cognitive functions and lower stress and blood pressure. Meanwhile, playing charades is also known to help boost academic development, promote problem-solving skills, and create lasting memories [1].

4. Cook delicious soup.

rainy day activities at home

Warm your body and share quality time with your family over a warm bowl of soup.

The activity that made it on the fourth spot is cooking delicious soup. The rainy season usually means sweater weather, and what better way to warm our bodies than a hot bowl of soup? As Filipinos we are known for our warm comfort foods, which often include sopas (macaroni soup), goto (congee), or bulalo (beef shanks in light-colored soup) which are all perfect for the rainy season.

Sharing a warm bowl of soup together also poses lots of benefits. Studies show that kids who eat with their family tend to perform better at school, have fewer behavioral problems, and become more trusting towards other people [2].

3. Have a movie marathon or binge-watch your favorite TV series.

rainy day activities at home

Catch up on your favorite series this rainy season!

The third activity on our list is having movie and TV series marathons, which we also call binge-watching. Thanks to the rapidly growing popularity of media streaming services, we now have the luxury of watching movies and TV series within the comfort of our own room. And with the gloomy weather keeping us indoors, now is the perfect time to catch up on our favorite shows.

Although it seems unproductive, we shouldn’t keep ourselves from binge-watching to pamper ourselves. In fact, studies show that when we binge-watch, our brain produces dopamine, a chemical that signals our pleasure or happiness, making us relaxed and keeping our stress levels at a minimum. What’s more, watching our favorite character’s journey through struggles or successes puts them in a relatable position. This often gives us an alternate perception to our own struggles, making them seem bearable and boosting our self-esteem.

2. Read a book or listen to your favorite music.

rainy day activities at home

This rainy season, finish up on your current read and read some more!

The activities that made it as our list’s runner-up are reading a book and listening to your favorite music. Just like binge-watching, reading a book during the rainy days is also a great way to entertain yourself while staying safe and dry indoors. Aside from giving your brain its much-needed exercise, reading also helps lessen stress and it can also make you a better speaker and writer.

rainy day activities at home

Create a playlist of your favorite songs and dance the glum weather away

Meanwhile, listening to music is also a great way to boost your mood during dreary weather. Listening to happy songs usually peps up morale and gives a good vibe to an otherwise gloomy day. It also helps the brain produce the chemical cortisol, which helps fight stress.

1. Play out in the rain and drink hot tsokolate de batirol

Voter’s comment:
“It’s fun to feel the water dripping in your body. Experience the child in you. Experience freedom.” - Maria Theresa Alonso

rainy day activities at home

Itching to go outdoors? Come out and play in the rain!

Standing on top our list of favorite activities to do during the cold weather is a tie between playing out in the rain and drinking hot tsokolate de batirol. If you really can’t stand staying indoors, then go ahead, go out and play under the rain! Not only is it fun to jump on puddles and get soaked, but there are also studies that prove that the air is cleaner during and after a rainfall. Plus the humidity during a rainfall also makes your skin look young and supple. Just make sure to take a bath afterwards to avoid getting sick.

rainy day activities at home

Nothing warms a cold day more than hot cup of tsokolate de batirol.

Image: Mour Villalobos

Drinking hot tsokolate de batirol is also a great activity during the rainy days. Tsokolate de batirol is hot chocolate that contains tablea or blocks of roasted cacao. It is then served in a silver pot with batirol or a wooden whisk to mix the drink. Drinking this delicious concoction literally warms our bodies and also gives us a calming sensation. In addition to that, cacao is also packed with nutrients and minerals that are good for our body.

Do you also have other activities in mind that are perfect for rainy days at home? Share them with us in the comments section below!

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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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