Buying & Rental Tips

5 Smart Tips If You Plan to Renovate Your Condo

Planning some home improvement projects? Here are some renovation tips!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | June 28, 2021
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condo renovation tips

A change of scenery is always a good thing. It will broaden your horizons, and it can even launch a new phase in your life. This change can be done extravagantly, like backpacking through exotic countries or a terrifying way like switching your career paths. You can also do something less intense, like revamping your condo unit.

Maybe your kitchen counters now show signs of damage, or your bathroom tiles look like they’ve seen better days, or perhaps you’re just ready for a home improvement to reflect your style. Whatever your reason for a change is, a condo renovation is a massive leap into full-fledged “adulting.” Just like every major life event, it also comes with many considerations. If you’re at a loss, let the following condo renovation tips lead the way.

1. Leave it to the professionals.

condo renovation tips

Don’t be scared to hire contractors and interior designers.

It’s always exciting to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. If the experience goes horribly, at least you learned a few new lessons along the way, right? Condo renovations, however, aren’t one of those YOLO (You Only Live Once) moments. Since it’ll be your first time doing so and you have minimal knowledge of the ins and outs of everything, it’s best to ask for help from the professionals. If you’re only looking to change a few key pieces on your unit, you can consult an interior designer. For major overhauls and repairs, it’s best to hire a contractor.

2. Know what you want but be flexible.

condo renovation tips

Condo renovations require you to be creative yet adaptable.

Since you’re the one spending this renovation, be assertive on how you want the finished product to come out. Redoing the finished project isn’t only impractical but also very time-consuming and stressful. But also remember that knowing what you want does not mean you have to be closed-minded to changes and compromises. While you might have already imagined how your unit will turn out, prepare to make compromises just in case.

3. Determine a strict budget.

condo renovation tips

Be mindful of where your hard-earned money is going.

If only this was a utopian world, you’d be free to buy all the appliances and art pieces you want and implement all the renovations in your unit. But this is reality, and setting and sticking to a budget is one of the most important aspects of the process. You need to know where every centavo goes—from labor to furniture, flooring, even to the wallpaper or wall paint you plan on using. You can also seek advice from your contractor to keep you on the right track.

4. Be realistic with your expectations.

condo renovation tips

When it comes to condo renovations, being practical is the way to go.

Everyone wants the best of the best in life, in love, and even in the home. Since the finished unit is your new and improved home, it’s natural to be idealistic and think it will become perfect and impeccable. However, significant factors like budget, time constraint, and space limitation will affect the outcome, so it’s important to manage your expectations. But even if the finished model doesn’t meet 100% of your expectations, be proud of what you have achieved because a condo renovation is no easy feat!

5. Evacuate temporarily.

condo renovation tips

Find a temporary home while your permanent one gets a makeover.

While it might be inconvenient to find a short-term home while your unit is under construction, you must do so. Not only will you help the contractors do their jobs efficiently and quickly, but you also won’t have to tolerate all the mess and the noise that comes with renovation. Before starting the renovations, arrange to stay at a friend’s place or a close family member’s. If you have extra cash, you can even book a hotel room for a few days and think of it as a staycation instead of an evacuation!

Condo renovation can be a taxing process, but with these tips to guide you, you’ll find that you’ll be living in your dream residence before you know it. What are some of your condo renovation tips? Share them with us!

Visit Yoorekka Consumer Magazine for more condo guides and tips!

This article was originally published in Yoorekka on July 18, 2018.

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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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