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Is a Graduation Yearbook Vital When You Travel Abroad? Get Yourself Ready Before Your Trip; Here Are Some Tips

Here are 5 tips before you travel abroad.

By: Yoorekka Team | April 06, 2023
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travel requirements for Filipinos, travel abroad, tips for a Filipino traveling abroad

Pass the immigration officer’s interview and travel abroad without the hassle of these tips.

Image: Merl Naul (L)

Traveling abroad is everyone’s bucket list; whether with your family, friends, or loved ones, nothing feels better when you travel without hassle. However, this wasn't the case for some Filipinos.

Traveling abroad and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) recently made news as Cham Tanteras, a Filipina traveler, missed her flight to Israel when an immigration officer at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) asked her too many questions. Some of the questions include whether her parents were separated or not and if she graduated or not. The said immigration officer allegedly even asked for graduation and graduation yearbook proof. Eventually, the BI clarified that the graduation yearbook is not included in the list of travel requirements for Filipinos traveling abroad.

We listed tips for Filipinos traveling abroad this year for a sweat-free and safe vacation.

1. Secure your passport

Travel Requirements for Filipinos – Travel Abroad – Yoorekka PH, travel requirements for Filipinos

Before even considering traveling abroad, ensure you have a passport.

The passport is the easiest way to prove citizenship; it is your ticket to the world. It is also one of the most manageable travel requirements for Filipinos to obtain. If you wish to have your passport, here are some simple steps:

• Secure an online appointment at
• Prepare the documentary requirements, such as accomplished application form, original and photocopy of PSA Authenticated Birth Certificate, any valid ID and its photocopy
• Most importantly, be present on the day of your appointment.

2. Do your research

Travel Requirements for Filipinos – Travel Abroad – Yoorekka PH, travel abroad

Whether it’s your first time traveling abroad or your first time traveling to your chosen country, it is essential to research.

Learn as many things as possible about the place you're going to when you travel abroad. Know about its current weather and COVID-19 restrictions and pre and post-departure requirements, if there are still any. Pay attention to their customs, transportation in the area, and even the known tourist spots. Consider organizing your travel abroad with a legit travel agency.

3. Prepare your travel documents and ace your interview with the immigration officer.

Travel Requirements for Filipinos – Travel Abroad – Yoorekka PH, tips for a Filipino traveling abroad

With the recent issues in the Bureau of Immigration, there is no doubt that we need a refresher on the travel requirements for Filipinos with overseas flights.

Since you’re traveling as a tourist, you must prepare your passport, unexpired VISA, and return ticket. You might also want to bring supporting documents to prove your identity and financial capacity to travel. Such documents include your employment certificate, Income Tax Return, drafted itinerary, approved leave of absence, and bank certificate. To pull off a good impression and ace your interview with the immigration officer, remember to be confident, assertive, and kind so that the immigration officer will have no means to doubt you.

4. Plan your travel abroad ahead of time.

Travel Requirements for Filipinos – Travel Abroad – Yoorekka PH, travel requirements for Filipinos

Planning isn’t just about securing your passport.

Preparing to answer the immigration officer’s questions or acquire the travel requirements for Filipinos is one thing you must prepare. You must also make a realistic budget plan. If you plan to travel abroad, have a specific budget for weeks, months, or even years before your trip. It is also ideal for listing everything you’ll buy or how much you will spend for each destination. This is to prevent yourself from overspending resulting in budget shortage for your other trips to come. These tips for Filipinos traveling abroad will make them ready before their trip.

5. Get travel insurance.

Travel Requirements for Filipinos – Travel Abroad – Yoorekka PH, travel abroad

Travel insurance is something most Filipinos overlook

Travel insurance is just as important as your other travel requirements. Travel insurances cover problems during your travel, such as loss of baggage and other personal belongings, canceled and delayed flights, or even accidents and injuries. It is ideal to have travel insurance as it provides additional protection against monetary loss on your travel abroad.

Going abroad doesn’t have to be stressful; as long as you check out these tips for Filipinos traveling abroad, you’ll surely enjoy your trip overseas.

Visit Yoorekka for more travel updates and guidelines in the Philippines!

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