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Airbnb Bans Security Cameras Inside Guest Homes Starting April 30

Airbnb hosts can no longer install cameras in their properties.

By: Niña Caraig | April 01, 2024
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Airbnb will implement a new policy for installing security cameras.

Image: Pexels

Airbnb has announced a new policy that will take effect on April 30, 2024. Under this policy, indoor cameras in all Airbnb hosts and listings will be strictly prohibited worldwide to prioritize guests' privacy. In addition, Airbnb has also introduced a more comprehensive rule regarding the use of outdoor cameras and other smart devices on its platform, which will safeguard guests' privacy and security.

The new Airbnb policy includes the following: no cameras are allowed to monitor indoor activities; outdoor cameras must be disclosed; outdoor cameras are not allowed in spaces where guests expect more privacy, like enclosed saunas, showers, etc.; noise decibel monitors, which may only be installed in shared spaces, must be disclosed; smart TVs and voice assistants are allowed but are also encouraged to be disclosed; and it does not apply to outdoor cameras that hosts do not control, like building apartments, condos, etc.

Airbnb is an American company that operates a home rental platform for short—and long-term homestays. It previously allowed indoor security cameras in common areas such as hallways and living rooms if they were visible and disclosed in listings before people booked such properties.

However, people have complained on social media about finding seemingly hidden cameras in Airbnb lodgings, some in areas where privacy is expected.

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About Niña Caraig
Niña is the Content Development Manager at Yoorekka. Prior to Yoorekka, she began her career at a publishing company. In her free time, she loves to pamper herself, go shopping, and watching movies with her friends.
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