Buying & Rental Tips

How to Declutter Your Home for a Cleaner and Clutter-Free Living Space

You’d be surprised by how much organized living space you have after applying these how to declutter your home tips!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | March 08, 2020
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how to declutter your home

Having a clean home is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world.

Our immediate surroundings greatly affect how well or how awful our minds focus. If you’re constantly lost on how to declutter your home, and you always arrive at a messy workplace, then chances are you’re less productive than when these places are clutter-free. The given solution? Do the decluttering yourself.

But even knowing where to start isn’t easy. Professional tidier Marie Kondo, the founder of the Konmari method who has recently garnered distinction for helping clueless people with her tips for organizing your home, even acknowledges this obstacle.

Hence, here are more tips on how to declutter your home that even Marie Kondo herself would be proud of!

1. Set a definite schedule.

organization tips for home

Squeeze in time for decluttering no matter how full your planner may be.

For sure, everyone has put off tidying up their space because their busy schedule makes the chore impossible. Cleaning takes a lot of time, so it always takes the backseat to other priorities. While that may be true, you will never have a clutter-free organized living space if you do not allot time for it. Tell yourself that cleaning doesn’t always have to be done in one go.

Find a time that works best for you, be it on a weekend or a few hours every night after work. Depending on how messy your things are, this might be a long process and not something you can rush, so do it bit by bit to make continuous progress. You’d be shocked by how cleaner your space is getting day after day!

2. Take it one room at a time.

cluttered house

Declutter wisely, not mindlessly.

To organize efficiently, be organized; come up with a cohesive game plan. Ideally, you should take it one room at a time. Not only will this help you oversee better the work that needs to be done, it will also prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. Also, note that different rooms require different organization strategies so make sure to take note of this in your plan.

For example, cleaning your bathroom will generally center on removing accumulated dirt and throwing away expired products, so be ready with your cleaning tools and garbage bags when you tackle this room. Meanwhile, here’s one tip in organizing the living room: simply leaving the coffee table empty will give the illusion that the room is less cluttered than it really is. Of course, you aren’t going for the illusion of cleanliness; you’d still have to tidy up.

3. Stick to a system when sorting your things.

clutter free

Prepare lots and lots of boxes and garbage bags when you declutter.

Become a pro at categorizing your belongings by using sorting methods. One such method is the “four-box method” wherein each of your possessions will be sorted into four boxes labeled keep, toss, store, and donate. Another is the “80/20 rule” that states that a person only really utilizes 20% of all of his belongings. Find out what belongs in the 80% percent and start purging.

Visit Yoorekka to learn more organizing tips and tricks for your home!

4. Ask the golden question.

how to declutter your home

Four simple words can make a big difference.

Master tidier Marie Kondo herself depends on this golden question so much that she even came out with a book about it: “Does this spark joy?” Ask yourself this every time you hold up an item. Does it make you excited to use it in the future? Does it make you happy that you own it? Would keeping it until you’d need to use it be stress-free for you? If it does, it stays, but if it doesn’t, it’s time to let it go. The golden question is also applicable for purchases you will be making in the future. It will not only prevent you from having a mess of things you never really wanted, but you’ll also save a ton of money.

6. Make it a routine.

cluttered house

Make decluttering a habitual thing in your household.

While it may feel amazing after you’ve decluttered your space, the work doesn’t end there. In order to keep up the order you’ve established in your home, you would also have to make a habit out of maintaining your place. This is to prevent the buildup of new clutter and to maintain the magnificent state your place has achieved. The routine doesn’t have to be strict, but it should be consistent.

Organizing your home and getting rid of the unnecessary will be very beneficial for you and your loved ones. And thanks to the tips mentioned above, you are well on your way into becoming a Marie Kondo protégé.

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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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