This Week News

This Week in Boracay (May 18 to 24, 2019)

Despite having a more relaxed week ahead, Boracay still has travel updates you need to know about!

By: Karen Bermejo | May 18, 2019
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This is set to be a more casual week in the island of Boracay.

This week is set to be more relaxed than others in Boracay. Though the weather will be generally sunny, it can still be partly cloudy at times. More rooms will also be available this week as more resorts are already accredited. Meanwhile, this week also highlights the rise in popularity of cashless or digital payment. Finally, the DOT takes a stand regarding the increase of foreigner-owned businesses in the island. Read on for more travel updates on Boracay!

Weather: Sunny, but partly cloudy

The temperature in the island will continue to be at its peak at 32°C and be at a minimum of 29°C. [1] While it will be mostly sunny all throughout, some showers and thunderstorms can still be felt in the middle of the week. Since the rain could strike anytime, bringing an umbrella is a good piece of advice. It will also be needed as protection against too much heat if ever the rains do not come.

Travel Updates

Cap on cruise arrivals starts

The Department of Tourism has started the 2,000-passenger cap for cruise arrivals [2]. Since April, no cruise ships carrying 2,000 passengers are allowed to dock in Boracay. Cruise ships will also be banned during major holidays such as the National Heroes Day, All Saints’ Day, All Soul’s Day.

More resorts allowed to operate

As months pass since the reopening of the island, more establishments are given certification to operate by the Department of Tourism (DOT). The latest advisory from DOT showed that 347 hotels and resorts are now allowed to accept reservations [3]. These compliant accommodations comprise a total of 12,876 rooms. However, these establishments first need to secure clearances and permits from both the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) before they can operate.

Cashless transaction widens in Boracay

Digital payment method is now starting to gain popularity in Boracay. According to PayMaya Philippines, the digital payments arm of PLDT’s Voyager Innovations Inc, more travelers are choosing cashless transactions [4]. To help boost the tourism industry in Boracay, the company has established a mobile-based cashless ecosystem in the island. With this, guests can already pay using only their mobile phones in hundreds of merchants for food, accommodation, merchandise, and even transportation.

Passed Law: DOT implements Boracay laws to all nationalities

“The law must be applied to all nationalities.” This is the firm marching order of Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat [5]. She made this declaration after she was asked about the increased number of Chinese-owned establishments in the island. Puyat likewise ordered to arrest violators of the island’s local rules and regulations regardless of their nationalities. “Well I really didn’t ask how many establishments were owned by Chinese, Koreans, etc. But whatever nationality, even if they are Filipinos, if they do something wrong, then they should be arrested. Like for littering, the usual violations,” Puyat said.

For more updates on Boracay, check out Yoorekka!

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About Karen Bermejo
Karen is a writer, a traveler, and a volunteer. Her ultimate dream is to travel the world, master a foreign language, and learn how to swim. To keep her sanity while chasing her dreams, she’s scaling mountains on weekends.
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