Location: San Vicente, Palawan
Estimated travel time from San Vicente airport: 2 hours
Recommended budget for one: PhP3,500 (includes round trip van fares to Port Barton, boat transfers, and daily rate inclusive of three buffet-style meals)
From the seaside village of Port Barton in San Vicente town, you have to take a 25-minute boat ride north to get to Palawan Camping, also known as Toby and Thelma‘s Camping Adventure. The glamping site along the tranquil Tandan Beach offers you an unparalleled respite from the busyness of modern life. Facing the West Philippine Sea, you can rest in a huge well-ventilated tent, which is screened and pitched under a protective native style roof and porch. Inside, you’ll find a well-appointed double bed, carpeted floor, couch and easy chairs, and lots of extra space to move around. The rate here is PhP2,500 per person (PhP1,250 for kids under 10) a day, inclusive of three hearty meals and access to sports activities that can make your stay worthwhile.
Tip: When at Palawan Camping, you may try out offshore snorkeling and recreational fishing with Toby, the hospitable Canadian owner. Her Filipina wife, Thelma, loves to cook his husband’s catch and can make a 5-star meal on a campfire.
How to get to Palawan Camping (Toby and Thelma‘s Camping Adventure): Take a van from San Vicente airport to Port Barton. From Port Barton, take a boat to Tandan Beach where Palawan Camping is located.