This Week News

This Week in Palawan (September 28 to October 4, 2020)

A penal facility in Palawan is under lockdown.

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | September 28, 2020
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Palawan, lockdown , COVID-19, pandemic, Lockdown news, Travel News, Shopping News, Health News, quarantine

As the pandemic rages on, the main focus of Palawan’s local government is improving the livelihood and health of residents. In Iwahig penal facility, a two-week lockdown is ongoing after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, domestic travel is the focus of Palawan’s latest tourism campaign as the entire industry tries to recover after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. A new e-commerce website also provides a platform for local farmers and sellers to feature their products and produce. In terms of health, Coron launched a telemedicine program that aims to provide consultations for residents without leaving their own homes. Read on for more lockdown news.

Quarantine Updates

Iwahig penal facility is on lockdown

The Iwahig Corrections Facility is currently on a strict two-week lockdown after a female employee tested positive for COVID-19. The lockdown started last September 21 when some of their employees are on leave. Along with Iwahig, the lockdown also covers the sub-colonies of Inagawan, Montible, and Sta. Lucia [1]. During the two-week lockdown, ICF Superintendent Raul Levita said that they will observe whether virus transmissions occur in the penal facility.

Travel News

Palawan’s latest tourism campaign prioritizes domestic traveling

Local tourism is the highlight of Palawan’s latest tourism campaign, which is called “Palawan Muna” (Palawan First). The campaign was launched last September 14 by the Provincial Tourism Development and Promotions Office (PTDPO), Palawan Chamber of Commerce, and Palawan Tourism Council (PTC).

The Palawan Muna campaign aims to promote local tourism among Palaweños since the coronavirus pandemic took a toll on the province’s tourism sector. According to PTC Head Rey Felix Rafols, the campaign hopes to encourage locals to visit tourist sites in the area. However, Rafols clarified that not all areas will be reopening to tourism; it will depend on the area’s quarantine guidelines. He used Coron, which currently has the most number of active cases via local transmission, as an example.

A new handbook containing updated tourism guidelines was also turned over during the launching event. Other highlights of the campaign include the Bayani Basket, which will feature local products from each town [2].

Shopping News

Palawan e-market features local farmers and products

A new e-commerce system in Palawan features products from local farmers in the area. The Palawan Local Market launched last September 19 aims to build an online community for local farmers and suppliers. According to Palawan Local Market’s founder Angela Tiotangco-Alvarez, the website will serve as a platform for farmers to sell their produce and Palawan-made products during the pandemic. Palawan Local Market features directory listing for local businesses that will be free until October.

Via the directory, customers can access the contact details and address of businesses since most local stores and sellers do not have their own websites [3]. Alvarez clarified that the platform is not a delivery website; their mission is to showcase locally made products. The website also covers different municipalities and not just Puerto Princesa. As of September 19, there are 30 stores registered in Palawan Local Market’s directory.

Banks and Remittances News

PALECO began disconnection of unpaid service bills

The Palawan Electric Cooperative (PALECO) announced that they will disconnect their electric services to customers who have unpaid bills. Starting September 16, customers who have received disconnection notices will lose their electricity if they do not settle their bills during or before their scheduled payment dates. Those who have unpaid bills before March will be the first to have their electricity disconnected [4].

PALECO previously issued a memorandum that halts power disconnection during the pandemic as a consideration for its clients. But now that the condition in the province is improving, PALECO aims to recover its loss from paying their independent power providers (IPP) during the early months of quarantine. PALECO seeks the cooperation of the public so that they maintain their service.

Health News

Coron opens Telekonsulta hotline

The Municipal Health Office of Coron (MHO) launched a Teleconsulta program last September 22 in order to provide medical consultations to residents without leaving their homes [5]. Residents can access the Telekonsulta from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Those who are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, sore throat, and loss of taste and smell can report their health status through the Telekonsulta. Medicines will be delivered to callers at their home by barangay officials.

MHO also announced that the Rural Health Unit will be opening its services to residents. Patients are required to wear face masks and face shields. The schedules for the services are as follow:

• OPD Consultation (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday)
• Birthing Center (Monday to Sunday)
• Animal Bite Treatment Center (Monday to Friday)
• Family Planning (Monday to Friday)
• Prenatal Check-up (Friday)
• Immunization or vaccines for kids (Wednesday)
• TB-DOTS (Monday to Friday)

Go to Yoorekka for more COVID-19 updates in Palawan.

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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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