This Week News

This Week in Boracay (June 15 to 21, 2019)

The start of the rainy season brings about a harder commute in the island of Boracay.

By: Karen Bermejo | June 15, 2019
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Boracay, travel, things to do, news, weather

Expect some flooding and a harder commute as the rainy season starts in Boracay.

Summer might have ended but the fun in Boracay doesn’t stop. This week will be a bit gloomy with some rains but sunshine is still expected to show up. There are new roads on the island too but some might get flooded if the rain prolong, so be a little patient. You will also have more options of where to stay since more Boracay resorts are now accredited. For even more travel updates on Boracay, read on!

Weather: Mixed weather to last throughout the week

Expect some rain throughout the week as the rainy season starts. Despite the rain, the weather remains humid in Boracay with 32°C as the highest temperature this week with the minimum at 29°C [1]. If you came for the beach, there would still be some sun during the daytime. As the rainy season nears, the habagat or the southeast monsoon could cause bigger waves at the White Beach. If the wind is too strong, expect the cancellation of island hopping and other water sports activities.

Traffic News: Flood hits Boracay streets

There’s a new road design outside D’Mall and is now complete on one side [2]. Some few weeks ago, these areas were flooded due to long hours of downpour in the island. Portions of the main road, particularly along D’Mall and Laketown in Station 2, were submerged in water and were questioned by many [3]. People thought that because of the ongoing rehabilitation of the island, flooding would also stop. The issue was however clarified by the interagency task force saying that the draining system of the island is still under construction. Tourists are urged to be a little more patient since rehabilitation works is still ongoing. With the flooding, expect heavy traffic when you’re visiting this week.

Travel Updates

Underwater clean-up continues

Underwater clean-up in Boracay has meanwhile become a regular activity on the island [4]. The most recent of which is in line with the Month of the Ocean celebrated last May. The activity was spearheaded by various government offices led by the Office of the Provincial Agriculture in Aklan. Aside from this group, members of scuba shops and divers in the island likewise conduct regular underwater clean-up operations.

More accredited hotels allowed to operate

As months pass by, more accommodation establishments in Boracay get a nod from the interagency task force. As of June 4, the number has climbed to 358 businesses with a total of 12,952 rooms [5]. These hotels are now allowed to operate after complying with all the requirements of the task force. The public is meanwhile reminded to only book these accredited establishments. Those only with confirmed booking from these hotels are allowed to enter the island.

Visit for the latest travel updates on the island of Boracay.

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About Karen Bermejo
Karen is a writer, a traveler, and a volunteer. Her ultimate dream is to travel the world, master a foreign language, and learn how to swim. To keep her sanity while chasing her dreams, she’s scaling mountains on weekends.
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