Christmas Guide

Top Best Things to Buy in the Philippines During the 'Ber' Months

Don't know what to shop for during the 'ber' months yet? We've got you covered!

By: Peter Parcon | September 22, 2019
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best things to buy

Malls in the Philippines normally offer considerable discounts with the coming of the “ber” months.

When the “ber” months come, people normally think about what they can buy for their loved ones for Christmas. Well, the holiday season is probably the best time to find the best things to buy for your loved ones as well as yourself due to the promotions and discounts offered during this time of the year.

So, we asked our readers about the best things to buy during the “ber” months in the Philippines. Here are the results:

9. Bicycles

ber months

With the current trend towards environment-friendly modes of transport, companies are now starting to provide safe bike parking spaces.

With the traffic in major cities around the country, it’s not surprising for bicycles to be a part of this list. Aside from letting you get to work faster than a bus or jeepney stuck in traffic, you also get to exercise. It is also environment-friendly since it only uses pedal power to get you from one place to another. Just make sure you buy the durable models if you intend to use it every day. There are also several types of bikes, including mountain bikes, fitness bikes, and city bikes. If you plan on getting a bike, you should also buy some safety accessories, such as a helmet for your head and a face mask to protect yourself from pollution. Additionally, the “ber” months would be the best time to buy a bike with all the promotions offered by bike shops all over the country.

8. Opera tickets

best things to buy

The promotions and season passes offered during the “ber” months make it the best time to buy opera tickets for your friends or yourself.

If you are into the arts, you may want to consider buying opera tickets at this time of the year. These are great gifts for a culture and art lover or a gift for yourself if you love watching operas and musicales. Special promotions and season passes are also available during the “ber” months which make them the best time to buy them. If the tickets to the plays your friends want to watch are not yet available, you can also give them gift vouchers from your favorite ticket sellers.

7. Luggage


Buying durable luggage gives you more reasons to finalize your travel plans in the coming year.

Planning for that oft-reschedule vacation since you do not have any luggage to use? Well, the “ber” months are probably the best time of the year to finally make that purchase. Aside from motivating you to finalize your plans, you can also find great deals at this time. Just make sure you look for luggage that is durable and easy to move around. You may also want to consider buying online from reliable sellers. They may even throw a freebie or two.

6. Flight promos and other great deals

ber months

Book that flight to your dream destination so you can make the most out of the promotions offered during the “ber” months.

Sixth on this list of the best things to look out for during the “ber” months are flight promos and other similar deals. While flight promos can come at any time of the year, they are often likely to be available during the “ber” months. Airlines normally try to make the most out of the holiday season when people have more money to spend than any other time of the year. You can finally book that Asian tour or trip to the Maldives that you have been planning for the longest time.

5. Hotel accommodations and Christmas décor

Hotel accommodations and Christmas décor share the sixth place on the list.

Hotel Accommodations


Take advantage of the holiday season to book your hotel accommodations since hotels normally have promotions during this time of the year.

Since you already have the luggage and airline tickets, you can complete your travel plans by getting your hotel accommodations during the “ber” months. Similar to airline companies, hotels normally offer promotions to cash in on the holiday spirit. It is also a great time for you to get the best deals and freebies offered by these hotels, both local and international. It’s also best to check hotel booking apps for the best deal you can find for a particular destination.

Christmas décor

best things to buy

You can easily find the Christmas decors you want for the tree during the “ber” months.

Christmas may be just around the corner, but the “ber” months are still a good time to get that cute, little Santa décor you want to put on the living room table. Christmas decors during this time are offered at discounted prices. They are also readily available, which means you can find just about everything related to the holiday season during the “ber” months. Aside from the shopping malls, you can easily find Christmas decors in specialty stores around the country.

4. Concert tickets

ber months

Score that much-anticipated concert tickets during the holiday season and you may get a freebie or two.

Aside from opera tickets, you can also buy concert tickets during the “ber” months in the Philippines. While some tickets may not be available until a month or so before the concert, some organizers may want to take advantage of the season and sell tickets earlier than usual. Moreover, they may even through in a promotion or two to entice concertgoers to buy the tickets.

3. Gadgets and clothes

The third spot belongs to gadgets and clothes.

Voter's comment: “It's the best gift you can reward yourself and the newest models are all coming out at this season!” – Pierre


The coming of “ber” months normally brings with it deals for your favorite gadgets, such as a smartphone or even a drone.

The “ber” months are probably the best time for you to buy that gadget you have been longing for throughout the whole year. Shopping malls and specialty shops normally offer discounts and freebies for gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, among others. You can also consider checking out online shops for deals that are not offered in brick-and-mortar stores. Just make sure you buy the gadget from a reputable online seller.



Replacing your current wardrobe at the end of the year may be advisable due to the discounts retailers normally give during this time of the year.

Stores normally slash the prices of clothes in preparation for the New Year. This makes the “ber” months a good time to buy that dress or suit you have been eyeing since May. The closer it is to the end of the year, the bigger the discount some retailers give to its customers. This is particularly true to slow-moving items. So, you may want to hold off until the end of the year before making that purchase.

2. Appliances


If the budget allows it, you may replace all your kitchen appliances when the “ber” months come.

Second place on this list of things to buy during the “ber” months in the Philippines belongs to appliances. Since new models normally come out are released by September in the United States, you may want to buy models from the previous years. These older models are normally offered with a discount. Retailers may even include a freebie or bundle them with other gadgets. You should not limit your choices to well-known brands, though, since there are some lesser-known brands offering the same quality at lower prices.

1. Shoes/Kicks


You may want to purchase a good pair of shoes during the “ber” months to lose the weight you gained over the holidays.

Coming in at first place on this list of the best things to buy during the “ber” months in the Philippines are shoes. Most of our readers put shoes on the top of their list of things to buy. With the sales and promotions offered at this time of the year, the “ber” months is probably the ideal time for you to score those new running shoes you want to use to burn all those calories you gained from bingeing on all the food during the holidays.

While the “ber” months normally bring out the Santa in everyone, it is still advisable to practice temperance to ensure you can still put away something for the coming year.

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About Peter Parcon
After leaving spending 16 years of his professional life in the academe, Peter decided to try his luck in the world of online freelancing. For the past eight years, he has been creating content for clients all around the world. He can work on just about any topic - from tattoos to technology and food to finance. He dreams of visiting every island in the archipelago some day.
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