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5 Easy-to-Follow Tips on How To Keep Your House Safe When Traveling

Read on before leaving your home to take a long and relaxing vacation!

By: Antonette Louise Guiao | February 21, 2020
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Tips on how to keep your house safe

When thinking of safety, assume that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Leaving the urban jungle to take a break is always rejuvenating. It is exciting to prepare for it, and the thought of going to a new place is always fun. Since a lot of things can cross your mind while getting ready for your trip, it's easy to forget the things you’re going to leave behind. This is why it's important to be aware of nifty tips on how to keep your house safe.

Before going on a long and relaxing vacation away from home, it is essential that you secure everything so you can travel with peace of mind. While returning home from a long vacation can be sad, coming home to a house that’s been broken into or suffered a fire is worse. To save yourself from these major headaches, read these five tips on how to keep your house safe, and secure while you’re away! They may be short and simple, but they'd help you lower your chances of coming home to an unpleasant surprise. Read on!

1. Double check the locks on your doors and windows before leaving.

how to keep your house safe and secure

Don’t be too complacent about locking these entry points.

Did you know that 32% of burglars enter houses through unlocked doors? Of all the things that you need to remember, this one might be the most obvious. Always double check if you have locked your doors and windows. While doors are the most common entrance points of burglars, they can also pass through windows. Secure your windows before leaving and make sure they’re shut tightly. This has an additional benefit; closed windows would also keep insects and strong winds out. This tip does not apply only when you take a long trip away from home, but every time you leave for school, work, and other places as well.

2. Leave some of the lights on.

long vacations

Turning on some of the lights inside your home is a bright thing to do.

Leaving the lights on inside and outside the house may give the illusion that someone’s home. You don’t have to turn on all the lights, though. Places like the front and back yards must be kept lit so that any kind of suspicious activity can be visible to your neighbors. Besides the lights, leaving other things like cars in your driveway or garage can also make it seem like you’re home, discouraging burglars from breaking in.

Additional tip: A house with the lights on in the middle of the night can be a tad suspicious, too, not to mention bad for your electricity bill. It is advisable to purchase a motion-sensor light or a light switch timer which can turn your lights on and off accordingly.

Find more tips on how to keep your house safe and secure when you go to Yoorekka!

3. Unplug your electronics.

long and relaxing vacation

The last thing you want when coming home is to be greeted by an overheated computer.

Have you ever left home and wondered if you’ve switched off the television or turned off the air-conditioner or not? Accidentally leaving your electronic equipment on happens a lot. Not only is this dangerous, but it is also a waste of electricity. Before going on a trip, make sure to unplug all your electronics. Go through each room methodically to check. This can help reduce your electricity bill and prevent worries of leaving your equipment on by mistake at the same time. Unplugging electronics is also the simplest way to avoid any kind of power surge or electrical fire.

4. Don’t leave spare keys in the usual hiding spots.

Long Trip Away From Home

Stash those spare keys away.

Housebreakers nowadays are smarter than you think. Looking for a spare key under the mat, inside the flower pot, and even in the gravel for fake rocks is a usual instinct among burglars. To avoid this, collect all your spare keys and keep them elsewhere. You can also talk to a family member who lives nearby or a neighbor whom you trust and give them the spare keys. Leaving a spare key in case of emergencies is important, and having someone who can look over your house while you’re away can also be very helpful. In case this isn't an option, either pick a hiding spot only you as the homeowner knows about or bring your spare with you.

5. Don’t post real-time updates about your trip online.

Tips on how to keep your house safe

Your Instagram feed can wait!

In a world where almost every information can be gathered online, it is important to be cautious about posting things on social media. When going on a long vacation, don’t be too public about it. Avoid posting a status or tweeting about every moment of your trip. By doing so, you’re unintentionally informing strangers that you will be gone and your house will be empty. Follow this even if your profiles are private; after all, you never know who'll be able to see and read your updates. While it is tempting to upload your photos, keep in mind that your social media accounts can wait, and you can always post them after returning home.

Keeping your house safe and secure doesn’t have to be a chore, and you can always start with these easy tips!
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About Antonette Louise Guiao
Antonette is a writer, a night owl, an extrovert, and a BTS ARMY. Her spare time is consumed by drawing digital vector art, sleeping, binge-watching Netflix series, and learning how to cook. An adventurer by heart, she aspires to travel the world with her family, try extreme outdoor activities, and taste all sorts of food in different countries.
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